Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blogoversary and Birthday Wishes

FarMhOUsE CoUnTRy StYLe has turned
another year older last month and I have to thank you all for that. After celebrating FHCS'S 2nd Birthday the first week of March.  I was thinking that

If I knew all the benefits that come from blogging I certainly would have started it much sooner.

If I was aware of all the kind souls that would follow me and take their precious time to leave comments and check back I definitely would have started sooner.

If I knew that I could look back on the past years of my life's events and with such pleasure and reminisce, I am positive I would have started sooner.

You all have celebrated with me at times and picked me up time and again, especially these past couple of months, what a blessing you all are! Thank you for continuing to follow FHCS and leave your comments (I still LOVE your comments by the way, love em' to pieces). Thanks for checking in every now and then and understanding so easily. You make it all worth it!  There has been alot of adjusting, shifting and juggling going on in my life the past year....I am so grateful for all of you, you all keep this blog going....
even if it's going's still going...
Yay, Happy Birthday!

And Speaking of Birthdays...

Another year....another birthday.  This year my middle daughter chose
a spa party.  Since she wanted several friends to celebrate with her, we chose to do the party at home and kept to a reasonable budget. 

We held it in the evening and after a nice dinner turned the dining room into a spa get away.  The mood was very calm and the lights dim to keep a relaxing spa-like atmosphere.  I found spa goods and spa music cd's in the dollar bins at my local Michales Craft store {favorite}.  A bag of river rocks (faux) candles. Spa packages for each guest and Ulta nail polish. 

Some healthy snacks were a nice change from most of the junk they like to eat at teen parties.

After soaking their hands in some lavender scented water and doing manicures.  We mixed up some homemade masks and beauty treatments using natural ingredients.  They had a lot of fun making the oatmeal yogurt facial scrub  and custom scented bath salts. They were also so amazed that they could make their own beauty treatments from home and there was ALOT of giggling going on while doing so....cute!!

They took over the powder room for the night laughing and acting plain silly...cute.

The evening ended with some relaxing spa music, lavender essential oil and cucumber eye treatments.
Before putting on their pjs and climbing into their sleeping bags, we sang Happy Birthday

My daughter requested ice cream sandwhiches instead of cake to which I quickly obliged, after making a cake for the family party a few nights before and being so limited on time these days I was actually relieved!

They ended the evening with a super cute movie called 13 Going on 30.  It's a few years old but appropriate for the birthday girl and very funny for mom too. 


did I just say they "ended" the evening?
hehe, haha, lol,
Let me rephrase that......
they stayed up giggling, doing hair, and playing games until the wee hours of the morning....
and made a lot of really fun memories!

Now, I have to ask you all--how much fun would this be to do with a bunch of grownup girl friends?  Lots, I'm sure.  I think I want a SPA party for my next birthday

Oh, and just how cute are these birthday plates?  I found these browsing through my Pottery Barn catalogs and thought I would share.  They sure could make a birthday child feel special year after year......
Photo credit to Pottery Barn Kids

****Make sure you check back early next week for a Gooseberry Patch Early Bird Review.....I will be sharing a great recipe and a GIVEAWAY!! ****

Thanks for stopping by friends, take good care of yourself.


  1. Happy Birthday Farmhouse Country Style!!!

    Oh that birthday party brought back old memories! So much fun!
    Love carissa

  2. Happy Birthday. Looks like a fun time. Have a great day !

  3. Happy Happy Birthday! Your daughter looked like she had a great time with her friends - what a great birthday theme!

  4. Happy Blogiversary!! We enjoy reading your post.

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  5. Happy Birthday to your daughter and what great fun you planned for her. Yes, I want a spa party too. Happy Blogiversary! May you continue to be blessed with your blog. Blessings!

  6. Happy Birthday to your blog and your daughter! Happy spring! Traci

  7. Oh Dee, what a great post! Happy Birthday to FHCS and your daughter! This gal would have loved to have been invited to the "Spa Party"! You always come up with the best~creative ideas when you put together a special celebration. I am so glad you feel loved by your blog girlfriends, but we are the ones blessed by getting to read your blogs time and time again! Have a great week.
    Love from Texas~Donna

  8. Dearest Dee, Took a chance tonite to see how your blog was doing! and what a delightful happy post. Many years and God Bless the birhtday daughter!.You are so talented and creative to make such a dreamy party. I know you could publish a beautiful book with all your wonderful ideas. You are an inspiration to us all…to keep so positive when you are busy and supportive of your family and parent not feeling well. We love you back and I am keeping you and yours in my prayers daily.Take care and Blessings to you and your lovely family.Thanks for the pretty post!, Emelia.

  9. Aren't birthdays wonderful! Happy blogbirthday to you and happy birthday to your daughter! On April 23rd, me, my mom and three sisters are going to a Spa for mani-pedi's - can't wait! Love your idea for your daughters's party! Love the cucumber photo!

  10. A spa party, what a great idea!! Happy Birthday to her and Happy Blog Anniversary to you too :-)
    Have a wonderful week!

  11. Happy Birthday Farmhouse Country Style! Your daughters birthday looks like they had a blast.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. Well Happy Birthday and hope I can be with you for the next birthday too, be blessed and you are a blessing to me, Hugs Barbara

  13. Hello Dee,
    Happy Birthday to Farmhouse Country Style!!! I enjoy reading all of your blog posts--I don't always leave a comment but I visit often :) I knew I wanted to comment today on this special occasion :)
    Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter too. The girls looked like they had so much fun at the party. What a great idea.
    Birthday Blessing to the both of you

  14. Happy Birthday Spa Girl! What a delightful party! I better not show this to Baby Bee because she would want a spa party too. I love the homemade facials too. So cute! What a lucky girl you have (to have you for a mom)!

  15. Congratulations to your beautiful daughter and you! So happy to catch up on all the fun news and pretty projects. Thanks for sharing! Wishing you all a great year ahead,

  16. I hope you continue to do this awesome blog work, I support you for your writing

  17. You’ve written nice post, I am gonna bookmark this page, thanks for info.


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