Wheweeee, this summer sure has flown by and I haven't blogged as often as I would have liked to. I wanted to spend as much time with my children as possible before another school year started so blogging had to take a back seat. To those of you who contacted me, thank you for your concern, ya'll are too sweet!
Well I have some catching up to do over the coming weeks but I wanted to share our special day first.
Yesterday was the first day of school for my children. They are each in different schools due to their ages so we had our annual Back-to-School breakfast quite early and then repeated our back to school pictures with each one of them throughout the morning. This year I made a Stuffed French Toast dish that you can prep the night before and bake in the oven while everyone is getting ready, add a side of sausage or bacon....so easy!
Strawberry Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast
Each year, since they started school, they stand on the front porch in front of the screen door and pose for a photo.
It's fun to look back through the old Back-to-School morning photos and see how much they've changed from year to year.
They wait nervously for the school bus each year....even though they are reassured they will do quite well.
I am confident of that and they always do.
It is always so hard to see them go....whether it is the 11th time I have seen them off or the very first as in my son's case! Little bit of tears this year....from me! I also started a new school year this year with my children as I will be working part-time in the district, I'm very excited and loved my first day as well so this year their momma had first day jitters too!
I hope that those of you who sent your children off for their first day had a good experience. To those of you who no longer have little ones at home, you must have some great memories made.
I have a Back to School story to share with you...
This story took place about five years ago, and is about a mom and her two girls (her son was not even cooking in the oven yet) all very excited to start a new school year. The father took the morning off as usual to see his girls get off on their first day of school and the mother was all prepared well in advance, very proud of that fact I might add. The girls were bathed, clothes layed out the night before, bookbags packed with bus passes ready to go, she had it all under control.
The next morning they all rose early, got ready and had their big BTS breakfast together everything went so very smoothly, so nice and relaxing. Out the door they headed to the bus stop at the end of their driveway...and they waited.....and waited some more (afterall the buses' are on a new schedule and always run late the first day). Before long cars driving by started slowing down and looking at us them. A few even rolled down their windows asking if school started today. We she assured them that it did and they hurried off in a frenzy and some just looked plain confused. Surely she thought they must have forgotten that today was the first day of school and must be rushing home to get their little ones ready!
After what felt like an eternity to the girls, a neighbor finally drove by and slowed down to turn around. They pulled in front of us them and said she had just been to the school to pick up her daughter's bus pass and that school didn't start until the very next day!!! What?!!!
Well that silly momma somehow got the start day wrong and had her children dressed, fed and all ready for the bus.......a whole day early!
The children never let the momma forget that story either and each back to school breakfast there after they reminisced about the morning they were a day early for the school year!
Anyone else have one of those stories? Do you have any back to school rituals? Anything you do that makes your child's school year more organized and eaier to manage...I'm curious to hear, do share!
I'll be back to read and catch up over the next couple of days, thanks for stopping by!
Take care,