It's been one of those months.
not one of those days or afternoons, but one of those months.
A month where you loose focus and murphy's law has taken over..
"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong",
You start to say that "if anything else happens I think I will scream",
and something else does go wrong, and you do scream.
Well not really, but you want to.
Well it is a stormin' here folks!
Alrighty, let me get this out quick....
A month where you loose focus and murphy's law has taken over..
"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong",
You start to say that "if anything else happens I think I will scream",
and something else does go wrong, and you do scream.
Well not really, but you want to.
Well it is a stormin' here folks!
Alrighty, let me get this out quick....
~The vaccum has gone on strike
(it will do wood floors but boycotts rugs).~
~The washer is holding my wet towels hostage,
the door will not open, expensive repair guy to the rescue?~
(Lets just say this guy wouldn't be bored at my house)
~My computer has a virus and is being repaired.~
I'm working off of a teeny weeny wireless notebook now, praying my pictures can be recovered.
(mmm, hmmmm, I know!)I'm working off of a teeny weeny wireless notebook now, praying my pictures can be recovered.
~I cracked my coffee pot....
!!*%$#@&!!! (cheese n' crackers)~
~The microwave is making a strange howling noise.~
~The dishwasher spits back out dirty dishes......(obviously has joined in the boycotting .)~
(My future in dishes.)
~My van needs maintanance.....
even after I specifically asked her to behave until next year.
~My DVD player won't open, therefore will not play movies and is holding 5 hostage, 1 of which my 3 year old insists on watching alot, so maybe a blessing?~
~My DVD player won't open, therefore will not play movies and is holding 5 hostage, 1 of which my 3 year old insists on watching alot, so maybe a blessing?~
~The stereo will play the first 3 songs of a cd and then gives up and shuts off.~
~I have a mouse in the house and that lil bugger is taunting me, no kiddin. Gross right? Everything that was bleachable in my house got a bath, twice.
Oh yes, we do have 2 barn cats, Slackers!~
That is most of it, not all, but most of it. Just the icing.
I didn't even touch on the colds and flu bugs that have flown around our house and the......
Oh, nevermind. I will spare you the rest in hopes
that you will one day return to read my blog.
Geesh, what a whinner! Right?~
~I have a mouse in the house and that lil bugger is taunting me, no kiddin. Gross right? Everything that was bleachable in my house got a bath, twice.
Oh yes, we do have 2 barn cats, Slackers!~
That is most of it, not all, but most of it. Just the icing.
I didn't even touch on the colds and flu bugs that have flown around our house and the......
Oh, nevermind. I will spare you the rest in hopes
that you will one day return to read my blog.
Geesh, what a whinner! Right?~
Just how is a girl supposed to be a domestic diva without her modern conveniences?
You're right....could be worse.
Sorry, I just had to vent.
Life is good in my farmhouse....not always purty, but good.
There I said it, it's real and it's true.
Things break, stuff goes wrong, mice drop by, we get the sniffles and the timing is bad. There I said it, it's real and it's true.
That is life, and so is getting on with it and over it, lol.
On a better note......
I am healthy, so is hubs and my children.
We have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and love in our hearts.
We have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and love in our hearts.
Amen to that.
See that? I am trying to shift focus from
the uncontrollable and frustrating,
thinking more positively and to
appreciation for what is most important.
Afterall, it is what we think about most that we attract, right?
Positive in thinking, we attract more positiveness.
(Sneaky eh? It's working!)
Reminders that say "oh, would ya QUITYERBELLYACHIN' already!"See that? I am trying to shift focus from
the uncontrollable and frustrating,
thinking more positively and to
appreciation for what is most important.
Afterall, it is what we think about most that we attract, right?
Positive in thinking, we attract more positiveness.
(Sneaky eh? It's working!)
Afterall, those are little problems in the big scheme of things.
(even if they do all happen at once)
I sometimes refer back to This Post about Wise Words:
#40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
(so true)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.....
it is about learning to dance in the rain!
(now where did I put that umbrella)
A friendship bouquet for you.....for lending an ear...
I feel better already, thanks for listening!
(even if they do all happen at once)
I sometimes refer back to This Post about Wise Words:
#40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
(so true)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.....
it is about learning to dance in the rain!
(now where did I put that umbrella)
A friendship bouquet for you.....for lending an ear...
I feel better already, thanks for listening!
My next post will be more cheerful and pretty.
I promise.
Take Care,