Monday, October 31, 2011

Wholesome Halloween

We usually do a fun and cute Halloween, every now and then we make it a little scary (for my older children) but for the most part we keep it fun.

We put out the jack-o-lanterns.....

Throw around a few pumpkins....

Add a few bales of hay and a cornstalk or two......

Make the entry festive.....

with a wreath hung upon the front door.......

Colorful mums fresh from the farm

Pumpkins tumble onto the porch from an antique crate....

The beauty that shimmers in the yellow afternoons of October....
who could ever clutch it?
Ralph Waldo Emerson

My family headed to the cornfields to pick a few of those perfect pumpkins...on a beautiful October afternoon. 

It is a fine art...picking out the perfect pumpkin....

Just when you thought you had the perfect pumpkin......another one is spotted...hiding....
The kids can never make up their minds, they select carefully.  They take their time.

 The perfect afternoon to go on a pumpkin hunt turned into the perfect afternoon to snap some photos....


PUMPKINS anyone?

The inside is all decked out in it's fall finery too...maybe .more to come.?

Have a safe and fun Halloween!

Take care!


  1. It is all so beautiful! The pics of your kids in front of the corn field....Awesome!!!! thanks for sharing....blessings!

  2. I love it. The family photos are very sweet too. Happy Halloween! :-)

  3. What a lovely post! Halloween has been canceled in our town because of the freak snowstorm we had on Saturday/Sunday! Most of MA looks like it was bombed with the broken trees!

    Happy Halloween to you and your family!


  4. What a lovely post! Your family pics are just wonderful! Happy Halloween to you and yours. -Tammy p.s. love the pirate party in your previous post.. perfect :)

  5. LOVING all your decor! The mums are incredible and I love all the pumpkins!


  6. OH, everything looks so WARM and beauty-full at your place, Dee! ALWAYS! I love the decorations you chose, especially the old washtubs full of orange orbs...nothing cuter than that, except maybe those photos of your beauty-FULL family at the pumpkin patch! MERCY, are your daughter ever pretty and your son growing up right before our eyes!

    I love fall, and it appears that you do, too!

  7. Hi Dee, Beautiful post as usual. So glad I stopped by!The children are growing up so fast and just cherish every miniute

  8. I love all of your decorations! Adorable!

  9. Hi was so much fun to see in my email that you had left a comment on my blog. Hope all is well. Last I knew was you were working outside the too. With my sweet man and girls. We are all at a bakery not far from our home at a Christian college. The girls and I are in the bakery. Miss my home terribly, but if we have to do this at least we are all together!

    So good to hear from you sweet friend, Linda
    Prairie Flower Farm

  10. Glad you're back and love your creativity with the pictures; they're beautiful!

  11. So Dee what kind of camera do you have? Your pictures are amazing!!!

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