
Thursday, February 17, 2011


Please keep my Dad in your prayers today.  He is having surgery to remove 2 tumors from his stomach this morning.  It is another cancer they have found in addition to the lymphoma.  My dad has been through so much the past several months and has held up pretty well.  I am very grateful for his progress and the fact that my mom has been able to be there and take excellent care of him.  

I am sure that his progess has alot to do with so many people keeping my family in their prayers, I appreciate it more than I can say.  This picture is from a day he was able to come home last week that I was able to spend with him.  I'll update soon.  Thanks for reading and take good Care!


  1. We are healed by his stripes, I believe that Jesus will be right there with your daddy today and I am believing he will be healed. In Jesus name.

    Love and Prayers always,


  2. oh dee, i am so sorry. i will keep in my thoughts and prayer throughout my day today. please keep us posted of his progress. bless your dear mother for the abilities to stand up to all this pressure on her shoulders now. life can be so difficult at times and i agree with you, the power of prayer does work! blessings and love, kritter keeper

  3. I'll keep your dad in my prayers this day and your mother, also. It's difficult to be the spouse of a sick loved one.

    Have a God Filled Day

  4. Your sweet Dad will be in my prayers. May God protect him and heal him, and may He put His loving arms around your whole family.

    Johanna, Bittersweet Cottage

  5. I have just spent some time in prayer for your Dad. He looks like such a sweet man. God bless you all!

  6. I am sooo keeping your family in my thoughts today.


  7. Dee, Isaiah 58:8 says "My light shall break forth like the morning, and your healing shall spring forth speedly." This i'm believing for your daddy today. God always knows what's best and he will heal your dad in his own time, we only have to believe. May God wrap his arms around you and your entire family today and in the days ahead is my prayer for you.

  8. Know that I am praying for your Dad's complete recovery!

  9. Of course your dad will be in my prayers today and I will be praying for you and your mom too. Keep up your spirits, prayers work miracles!

    God Bless,
    Susan and Bentley

  10. I believe in the power of prayer, because I think it's what has brought my Mom through all of her health issues in the past few months. I will be praying for you and your Dad!

  11. Of course...our prayers haven't stopped since you first mentioned your dad's need.God Bless your mom, doctors nurses and all his caregivers. May God be with you all. Prayers, thoughts, and intentions for you and father and your family.....hugs and caring.

  12. I'll keep your Dad in my prayers Dee!
    Hugs, Sandy

  13. Praying God's grace be with you today. I pray that the Dr's, nurses and all the medical staff be blessed with wisdom and patience and tenderness. I pray that the surgery goes smoothe and all is removed and contained safely. I pray that all goes well and your dad reach full recovery quickly. Bless you Mom and family today! In Jesus wonderful powerful Name! Blessings!

  14. Sure will, Dee! I have thought of you and your family so often lately. (((HUGS & PRAYERS)))

  15. Keeping your whole family in our thoughts and prayers. Stay positive.
    Maggie/Maggie's Lil' Fixins

  16. Dee, I will certainly be praying for your dad.


  17. Dee,

    You and your family are surrounded by prayers unending, he shall hear us all! God Bless..

  18. Prayers and good thoughts to you. I have been thru this with both of my parents and I know it is hard at any time but especially hard raising a young family. I know from experience. Take Care.

  19. Oh how absolutely difficult. Your father and your family will be in my prayers - I know how stressful times like this can be.
    Take care.

  20. Will be praying Dee and will try to get this post copied at my blog (under the comment section) so that others will join me in praying for your dad and your family on Fearless Friday tomorrow.

  21. Consider it done. Let us know how your dad is. Hugs!~Ames

  22. Hi Dee
    I will be keeping you family in my prayers. Prayer is an amazing thing. I will pray for comfort and peace for you and your mom and strength for your dad.
    Sending you love and hugs

  23. Aw, dad.
    You get well soon! I pray that the doctors got all the cancer, and you will be well. You have to get better, everyone loves you!
    HUGS and prayers from South Carolina!
    P.S. Does he have a church?
    I remember this scripture:
    James 5:14-15
    Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15) And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.

  24. I will definitely keep your dad in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing him speedy recovery to good health.


  25. came on over for a visit. so sorry to hear about your dad. i will pray for him.take care.

  26. Prayers sent for you, your father, mother and doctors. May God strengthen and guide you all to a perfect healing.

  27. So sorry to hear about your dad .He and your family will be in our prayers. HUGS

  28. It must be so hard for you at this time. Look at all the precious prayers that are going up for you! I will join. Please keep us posted as to how we can pray more specific!

    Blessings to you and your family, Linda

  29. Lifting up your Dad to our heavenly Father for perfect healing. Praying for the whole family that you all have peace and comfort during this time.

    please post updates!

  30. Dee dear,

    Prayers across the miles for your Dad and you and all your family.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  31. Dee, how is your dad doing today? I hope better.

  32. Hello gals,
    Thank you for all your prayers and concern for my dear father. He made it safely through the surgery and has been slowly recovering. They were able to remove one of the tumors which was larger than they thought, the other may have to be revisited. It was quite painful for him afterwards which is hard to see since I always envisioned my dad as a rock. He is doing well after a couple of weeks now though so I am so grateful for all of your prayers, kind words and support. He will be starting a stem cell replacement along with another round of chemo very soon. This is a touchy round, because it will be strong and his immune system will be knocked down pretty low but I have faith he will pull through it once again. I have spent my free time with him leaving little time to make another post but I will be back to update shortly, the spring season is around the corner and I cannot wait for a change of scenery. I hope you all are well, I'll try to get on over to see you on your blogs and catch up on your posts as well. Thank you all once again for contintuing to read and to come back. I hope to look back on these posts next year grateful for most of it to be behind us!
    Take good care of yourselves! XO Dee

  33. Just discovered your lovely blog. I hope your dad is continuing to recover well. I pray that his recovering will be so swift & sure that it astounds the Drs & leaves so doubt of the Lord's work in his life. Amen.

    Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><

  34. that's so hard to go through! my thoughts are with you..hope he recovers quickly.

  35. Your blog is great! I hope your dad is continuing to do well!

  36. Just found your blog and joined. Hope your dad is doing well. He will be added to my prayer list. I know you cherish every moment...I miss my dad so much!

  37. I wanted to check to see how your Dad is doing. Hope all is well with you family. You and your are in my prayers. Doria
