
Monday, February 14, 2011

All you need is LOVE, LOVE is all you need

Happy Valentine's Day!

This one snuck up on me for sure.  I've been a very busy girl lately and have been so caught up in things that I realized a few days ago that Valentine's Day would be here and I just wasn't prepared!

Even though this holiday is for Sweethearts, I like to spread a little love to others as well.  I needed to keep it simple so I came up with a few easy and inexpensive things for my chicks and their class parties that I thought I would share with ya'll

For my son's class we made up Cupid's Cocoa packets.  If you have a printer and some festive paper you can easily throw this together in a jiff too.  I do the cocoa packets for alot of holidays.  It is something easy and inexpensive you can change with the seasons and I like it because even though it's a sweet treat the kids can come home and help their parents make it for them and they don't have to fill up on one more sweet at those classroom parties.  The teachers like it because they take it home lol.  I'll share how easy it is at the bottom of this post.

Here's my littlest Valentine...

This is the face that he made when I told him he had to hand out his valentines to the little girls in his class and asked him who was his Valentine, curious to hear his reply....

Which was....Ewww girls, no way......hehe....I will have to remind him of this in another 10 years lol. 

When I told him that I was a girl...he told me that it was alright if I was his Valentine because I'm not just a girl...I'm his sweet!


Because of that I made him a special heart shaped sandwhich for which he replied cool....(teen sisters) and that I was an awesome valentine! (Again, another reminder in about 10 years).

Some white chocolate covered Marshmallow pops for a sweet lunchbox treat...

I picked up this adorable book of flocked Vintage Style Valentines from Borders for only $4.99, can you believe that?  That was the regular price too!

.It's filled with adorable little Valentines that I will use and reuse each year.

The above, cute, cupcake boxes are from the dollar store.  I love to pop in there for inexpensive holiday goodies.  These are for family and co-workers.  The people that I work with show love to so many children within our community that I wanted to send some sweetness back to them.  Some strawberry-pink icing, heart sprinkles and a paper heart, a small loving gesture.  If you were my neighbor or friend I would give you one too!

The chocolate bars above were purchased at Homegoods.  The vintage pictures are so cute.  One for each of my Chicks.

A little Bath and Body Work after holiday purchase from my husband to our girls.  I tucked them away for Valentines when I saw the after holiday price.  What gal doesn't like perfume for Valentines right? 

My Valentine, hubby, and I will be celebrating with a nice dinner in front of the fire and snuggling up for a movie afterward.  I am very easy to please, we don't need anything fancy to show our love for one another.
(Of course my favorite daisies wouldn't hurt honey)
I'm not into expensive roses, unless it is a bush that can be planted in the ground, hehe,.
I do like me a fresh bouquet of daisies though lol.


Easy Cocoa Packets...
Fill clear celophane bags with cocoa packet, a few marshmallows, and a couple of kisses or chocolate chips.
Print out a poem or saying that you like for your packets and cut them into appropriate sizes for the bags.  I make a 2 column word document for multiples.

Cut a 12x12 red (or coordinating pattern) piece of Scrapbooking cardstock found at any craft store into 3" wide strips and then cut each of those strips into 4" rectangles.  I then folded each one in half and stapeled to the top of each filled goodie bag.

Put a piece of double stick tape on the outside of cardstock and attach poem. 

There you have some quick and easy party favors or seasonal goodies to hand out.  I've done this for many birthday and class parties, halloween, and christmas.  They are inexpensive and easy to make and the moms are always so they know how easy they are!

Oh, one more thing....

My exciting news!  I've been holding it in so long I almost forgot!  Back before Christmas I was sent an email from Gooseberry Patch, that ended up in my Spam folder and went unopened for many weeks (ugh)! 

I almost deleted it but was checking on some orders and happened upon it.  It was an awesome opportunity spelled out before me and I just couldn't believe that I was reading it so late!!  I replied right away, explaining why I hadn't replied the first time around and exclaimed my excitement and interest in their offer!  So now it is all official and I can't shout it out to you all......

I am an......

What does that mean for FHCS you ask?  It means that we will have the opportunity to get recipe reviews on the newest cookbooks from of my favoritist companies!!  It also means giveaways of those newest cookbooks right here at FHCS for my followers and commentors! 

So gals I can't wait to get this thing started, I'm already a looong time fan of Gooseberry Patch and am so super excited about this and being able to share it with you all.  When it is my turn to review, you will have the opportunity to sign up for the giveaway.  There are others bloggers doing reviews right now on other titles, I'm in the process of making a link to some of those blogs in my sidebar. 

So with that said, the sign giveaway winner from the {long time} secret giveaway will be announced NEXT post.....promise!

Spread the love around.....
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Take good care!
XO, Dee


  1. Perfect face for a little boy on Valentine's Day.. hee hee.


  2. Happy Valentine's Day Dee! I really like your gift idea, I will have to try that for my little sweeties. Congratulations on being chosen for something so fun and exciting!! Can't wait to see which book you do :)

  3. Hi Dee, Happy Valentine's Day! So glad to see your beautiful post and congratulations on your GP honor. Lookinf forward to your reviews. You always have the best ideas and the prettiest ones!I Love the hot cooca packets in gift bags. Jake is toooo cute as well. Still keeping you and yours and your father in my prayers.We are having just us and I am having roasted chicken and potatoes and carrots….my girls made holiday cupcakes and we celebrated Sunday with lunch out after church because our son had to retun to college. Have a great evening and Blessings, Emelia.

  4. Hello Gals! Thank you all for taking the time out of your day to comment you are all so sweet! Emelia, I got your FB friend request and was so pleased! Your pictures are just adorable, and your daughter is so cute! Funny, you are just as I had pictured you, kind eyes and all. My father is still in treatment and I have been going back and forth with visiting him, he is doing quite well in spite of everything he has been through. I attribute that to all the prayers sent our way for sure, we are awfully blessed to have such a positive and loving force praying for all of us. Thank you for that! God Bless you all, the same way you have all blessed me and Happy Valentines Day!
    xo, Dee

  5. I'm gonna save these ideas for next year, thanks!

  6. What a great idea! He's so adorable! Little boys are great, and they love their momma's!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family! Please top by if you have time for some sinful dessert!


  7. Everything is so cute and so is your little guy.

  8. Your gift ideas are amazing. Saving those for future reference. :)

  9. For someone who says they forgot Valentine's Day was just around the corner, you sure got alot done in a short time! Love all of these ideas, especially the cupcakes in a box. I would love to do that next year!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Great Dee, I loved all the Valentine's ideas! Congrats on the GP!

  11. Great ideas Dee, I love your style... I think it's awesome that you get to review for gooseberry patch!!! So much fun ;))

  12. Dee you are so kind and sweet to take the time to say those precious thoughts. God Bless you and hopefully I will try to put up some more photos (with my oldest daughters help).Take care and enjoy your wonderful family……hugs, Emelia.

  13. What ♥sweet♥ ideas you shared here :-) I'd love to find some of those heart shaped marshmallows.
    Your son is so cute...boys do love their mommy!
    Congratulations on the honor from Gooseberry and Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. Love your ideas, love your pics, love you sharing it all! <3 Congrats on the fun Gooseberry job! Hope your night was lovely!

  15. Love your new blog look, nice to hear from ya. Your post was great excellent ideas, your little man is a cutie. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentines day, I did ! have a great day !

  16. Dee, I love your Valentine's ideas and pictures! Just adorable! And congratulations on becoming a Gooseberry reviewer!

    I pray for and think of your father all the time! I read your comment above and I am glad he is doing well with the treatment!

    Johanna, Bittersweet Cottage

  17. Such a sweet post (literally I suppose!). You have an absolutely adorable little valentine.
    Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. cute blog, the food looks delicious, will pray for your dad. I lost mine last June. Thanks for visiting Mel's Cabin.

  19. you have got some great ideas. what a sweet mom you are, and what an adorable boy you have.congratulations on goose berry patch! so exciting.
