
Monday, July 19, 2010

Where I come from....

On any given Summer Evening
You can find us here...

The heart of our town set deeply in it's Maritime history.
We stroll the old fashioned boardwalk and it feels as though we've simply stepped back in time.

We live in a coastal shore town where clamming, crabbing, fishing, and hunting
is a long part of its history.
Generations of families have survived and thrived here with those occupations.

A coastal town in which a light house such as the one shown below has guided
many a fisheman home safely to their families.

A small town from which fresh seafood is still readily available on the docks
where the fishemen bring in their day's catch.

And many a market has stood the test of time, passed down through families.

Long standing names in our community grace business signs.

A place that reminds the residents of
how our community came to be.

On certain summer evenings we gather together with family and friends here to listen to the
live concerts they put on for the locals. 

Including locals of the webbed foot variety...following us down the clam shell path.

While listening to the music we walk through the town and enjoy the sights
of things and appreciate times that once where.

I love history,
I especially love the local history where we live.

Standing outside old bait shops and fish markets that had a strong hand in keeping this community standing makes you appreciative of the old timers you pass by on the docks.

Can you tell if this picture was taken 60 years ago?

 Or maybe taken just yesterday? 

If it weren't for the light in the peak and air contitioning unit peeking up
I don't think that you really could tell.
All in all, it's still the same.

So what is your local history?  What type of local commerce has kept your town afloat for generations, coal mining, logging, fishing maybe farming? 
Let me hear all about where you are from!

Well gals looks like we have hit 500 followers now and I did promise a giveaway when the blog hit 500 and a giveaway I shall give.  Be sure to check back in about a week for all the details.

I'll give you a tip off on the requirements now, you must be a follower, bonus entries if you leave comments, more bonus entries if you have my link in your sidebar, bonus, bonus entries, if you blog about the give away and mega bonus entries if you are a customer.  As usual, the winning entry will be drawn by random number generator but more on all that later.  I'm off to pick the perfect giveaway sign now. 
Have a great week!
Take care,


  1. Oh, your town is a picture, and how I would love to meet up with you there and enjoy some crab legs! I love little picturesque towns like yours and Michigan is surrounded by water and similar villages...except our "catch of the day" is freshwater only....!

  2. I love your town. I was raised in Alaska and miss it so. some of your pic's looked exactly what you would see at the docks. I miss being around the ocean, the mountains, the glaciers and the everything!!!!!!!

    Love your blog, makes me happy every time you have a new post.

    Bring your little one over. There are quite a few videos of our new little ducks and chickens that Mrs. Puddle Duck hatched. Love em!

    Blessings, Linda

  3. Wow, you live in such a gorgeous town!! I'm awestruck!
    My town is pretty basic; we do have a historic district near the harbor with many beautiful houses, but other than that, just another Long Island town.

  4. So nice to stop by and see your neat area. I can see why you enjoy spending time there!

    I live in the Flinthills of Kansas and settled into a old 125 year old native limestone house. We're working on her and it's slllloooowww.

    The area has farms, ranches, cattle, buffalo, railroads and a nearby University. The little town I live in has a wild history that I'm still trying to grasp!

    God bless and CONGRATS on your 500 followers!!!
    That's super,
    d from homehaven

  5. I love your blog. I love the aesthetics, I love the stories, I love the recipes, but most of all, I love how down to eart you are. This is terrific!

  6. Earth dang it, earth not eart, lol.

  7. I love your photos-it makes me feel like I'm on vacation.

  8. What a charming town that you live in!! I have a love for towns with lighthouses...have dreamed of living in a little town by the shore. But my family is rooted here in the I take my vacations to these wonderful little towns.

  9. Oooh, pitter patter. What a lovely place you live. I love everything about what you've described.

  10. Hi Dee, Beautiful post, you have a talent for photography. I grew up all my summers on Charleston SC, in town and on a barrier island. I know you you would love to visit and tour all the historic spots and take a boat ride to Fort Sumter which easy to do from town. Thanks for your great summer stories and posts. Hope your keeping cool. Emelia.

  11. Thank you for the tour of your wonderful town! Living in the middle of cornfields that was a very nice treat to see. Most of the history from where I live is agriculture based. The soils here is a nice rich fertile soil. Even the railroad industry that upon one time was here due to the ag industries that were present.

  12. The pictures are beautiful, wish I could live on the coast. I love your blog and the music. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  13. Hi Dee, love the pictures of your town. What a great place. As always love your blog, and thanks for the giveaway! I will post about it on my sidebar. I am also a follower. I live in the Southern Texas, when I'm in Galveston next time I'm inspired to takes some photos and post about them. Thanks!
    Sandy from Love ya to stitches!

  14. We love history too and try hard to keep it interesting and fun for our children. It's so nice to live in a small town that still has a town square, to see the historic buildings, and even drive a bit out of town to still find spring houses, smoke houses and windmills on the farms. Ahhh, a little bit of Mayberry.

  15. What a great place you live in!

  16. Dear Dee,

    Thank you so much for visiting with me in the sunny spot! Wow! You're blog is WONDERFUL! I am, now, getting desperate for the seashore - I've been barely holding it in check. That first photo made me crumble and reading on through older posts has sealed my fate - MUST GO!!! (must have seafood in a place with salty air.

    Well, my son David (10) has declared that, "woah, her blog is waaaay better than yours, Mom!" Hmpf!=D Enjoy the rest of your summer. I'll be back to visit, for sure!

    Love, Katy Noelle

  17. I cannot imagine living in such a quaint and wonderful town! Well actually, I can...I imagine things like this all the time...but wow! It's amazing and so beautiful! I enjoyed looking at the pictures. :)

    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  18. Your town looks lovely, lots of history. We live in a village that also has history, The farm house we live in was origanaly an old school house, then became the farm house in 1885, the farm property was all the land that the village is now built on. We have a museum called the Edison museum, here is a website all about our village and the surrounding areas We have a auction in town every mon night and lots of craft shows in our comunity centre of local crafts people. We live only min away from our marina that is in a small town right off the shores of lake Erie it to has lots of history. I enjoy small towns and villages with their wonderful history ,old buildings and the folk are kind friendly people.

  19. Just found your blog. You must be living in one of the most gorgeous towns in the whole wide world! You have the EYE for taking photographs.
    Off to visit your Etsy shop and reading some of your past posts... xx

  20. Ahhh, this is a JOY to read and see. Please drop by for a water side visit in my beloved Maine!

    Love and joys to you and yours-I love this!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  21. Hello! I found you through Turkey Creek Lavender. Your town is wonderful. I could see my family feeling at home there. How lucky you are!!

    (your newest follower)
