
Friday, July 30, 2010

Kindred Spirits GIVEAWAY

Sorry for the wait, I hope you all are well.
I had a giveaway planned for a week now.  All ready to post, all ready to go.  Until I changed my mind, changed my post and changed my on please.
It all started with an ordinary day. I awoke with the sun, made my morning coffee and awaited for my babies to rise.  I sat in the quiet of the morning drinking my coffee and listening to the birds in the backyard. 
The children awoke and we set out to getting on with our day.
Mid-way through the morning the door bell rang but I wasn't expecting anyone. 
I walked to the door to greet my visitor but no one was there except a box from my postal carrier who was now getting back to carrying on with her route. 
Curious, I gave a wave and picked up the box.  I hadn't ordered anything so I wondered just what it could be.  Once inside I opened the box and here is what I found.....

Surprise!  A beaut-i-fully wrapped present, with my name on it! 

Ohhhh, I was so delighted and now very curious as to who sent me such a thing. 
Upon closer inspection, underneath of the bow I spotted this tag and with a familiar name upon it!

Addressed to me by a sweet customer of mine who sends me the most delighful letters along with her orders.  All so beautifully hand written, not your ordinary letter, you could certainly tell that this person takes great care with her writing and intends to send something very special to it's recipent.  I plan on sharing more of them very soon.

Over the past year this sweet friend, Donna, has ordered numerous times from Farmhouse Mercantile and each and every time she has sent me these  pretty letters to accompany her orders. 
It truly is a treat for me each time.

Under the beautiful cherry wrapping paper (which I hated opening because it was so pretty) were two smaller packages each wrapped in this cheery yellow tissue paper adorned with a green paper flower....
Oh, the details!

Inside the first package I found this cookbook.  Where Hearts Gather
by Susan West Cannon.
And just when this gift couldn't get any sweeter, I opened the book to reveal that it has been
signed by the author!

My sweet friend revealed that the author was a relative of hers and put sticky notes inside several of the pages detailing where some of the recipes came from like the one from her mother in the side picture.  Girls, I have to admit that I got a little teary eyed that Donna was so thoughtful and generous to have shared these stories with me and send this very special gift my way.  I was very touched to say the least.

Just when I was getting it together, I realized there was a second package in the box to be opened....

and inside that package I found
also signed by Susan.

Inside this book Donna revealed a recipe that was her grandmothers.  She told me all about the flood of memories this pound cake recipe brings back to her when baking it....
Oh, the sweetest things! 
(Donna, I have to tell you that I will always leave these little notes in this book!)

This is just one page of how sweet this cookbook is.  I love reading the heartwarming stories that are with each recipe too.

On the back cover is a picture of her young mother and aunt.....and the author.

Inside Donna's beautiful letter to me she told me that the FHCS blog brings her joy and that is the reason for this gift.  I was so touched!!  I am so pleased that this blog of mine can do that for you!  Because of this blog, you certainly are someone I have been blessed to know that I otherwise may never have made a connection to since we live on opposite sides of this big country! 
How fortunate for me!

Not only have you blessed me with your sweet comments but you have also with friendship!
Thank you Donna from the bottom of my heart!  I love this special gift very much, I have already read through the cookbooks and tried one of the recipes...


My family said that this was the best Mac-n-Cheese recipe I have ever made....I have to agree with them, it was really delicious!

Of course I will be making more of the recipes and I will share with my blogging friends very soon!  Click here to order your copy today!
Now I have a giveaway of my own to share.....

A (large) Kindred Spirit Sign

I have had some friends for many years, I have made new friends too.  Some throughout different stages of my life and some have been there for ever.  Some I speak to daily and some I catch up with several times a year.  But I have to say that the most facinating friendships I have formed have been with those I have never even met before! 

Several sweet ladies have formed a kinship with me through this blog and what a blessing you all have been to me.  Some of you have been customers, some of you have been commentors, some I communicate with through email every now and then, many of you all of those things!  

Alot of you have been inspiring, uplifting, encouraging, supportive and all of you a blessing to me in one way or another.   All the things women need of friends in their lives.  Some of you I have found through your blogs, message boards and some of you have found me. 

Although most of us have never  met personally, I certainly feel a kinship with several readers in one way or another.  Be it through the way we like to mother our children, take care of our homes, issues that are important to one another, projects we share, recipes we make, crafts and simply when we need to lift one another up....all without ever having met one anotherI'm so facinated by the way these relationships are formed without ever having seen the face of the recipent or really sitting at each others kitchen table for a cup of coffee!

This sign reminds me of one of my all time favorite childhood book...
Anne of Green Gables
by L.M. Montgomery

" Miss Barry was a kindred spirit, after all," Anne confided in Marilla. " You wouldn't think so to look at her, but she is. You don't find it right out at first, as in Mathew's case, but after a while you come to see it. Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world."

If you would like to sign up for the Kindred Spirts Sign giveaway, please leave a comment on how your life was touched by someone you have never physically met before.  I would love to hear some of your stories!  If you don't have anything to share yet then be certain to leave a comment anyway! 

As stated in my last post, the recipient will be chosen by random number generator.  Extra entries if you post this giveaway on your blog, have a FHCS button on your blog, and are a customer. You must be a FHCS follower to enter.  The giveaway closes Midnight August 14th winner to be announced Sunday the 16th.

Take Care,


  1. Such a sweet gift! I think that recipes are the best thing to share with is like sharing a piece of yourself. brother is a Marine, so when my daughter's school needed someone to chair a troop donation drive I volunteered. I sent out a bunch of packages to soldiers and got some wonderful thank-you notes back. One soldier sent me a note asking that if I had more packages to send if I could please send one to another soldier in his unit, who never gets mail or packages. It was wonderful to see this man looking out for a fellow soldier, trying to help brighten his day. I sent the other soldier a package and shared this story with some friends and family, who were so touched that they also sent him a package of goodies. :)

  2. Dee, you are so right about the friendships and joy we get from our online communities and blog friends! Your gorgeous package from Donna is proof of the real love and support we get from our blog friends. I have been the recipient of prayers, support, advice, encouragement and, yes, gifts, from some of the dearest women in the world. The bloggers I have gotten to know over the 3 years I have been writing. Congratulations on your beautiful gift and thank you for a beautiful place to spend a few moments:>)

  3. I've met some of my best friends that I share the most with about everyday life online. A group I happened to meet alittle over 2 years ago when I miscarried through a miscarriage board. We've all had babies since and actually I just moved to the DFW area of Texas and have gotten to meet one of those girls and it's been the best experience. I hope in the future I get to meet more of them but if not I hold their friendships dear to my heart.

  4. That little gift was meant for you, but it has encouraged me too! It makes me want to be more thoughtful...

    I have countless, countless stories of people I have never met who have touched my life. Throughout my teen years I was quite sick and spent a lot of time in the Children's hospital in Calgary. I don't even know how it started, but there was a young lady ( a good five or six years older than me) who kept in touch with me through e-mail and seemed to mysteriously show up when I was in hospital, but I was always sleeping when she would come...she would leave me these fantastic packages. One of my favorite gifts was a journal that she wrote in the first page...when I was sent to the Mayo clinic in the States, she offered to come along...I didn't even know her! When I had to write a speech for our graduating class, she edited it and looked through it...she was a huge part of several years of my life. I have no idea where she is now and haven't been in contact with her for a good five years, but I'd love to get ahold of her someday and tell her what an impact she made. :)

    You are so generous with your giveaways!

  5. How wonderful! I, like Donna, enjoy your blog and its beautiful messages so very much. Thank you so much for sharing your life and home with us all and thank you for such a thoughful giveaway.

  6. What a very gift you rec'd in the mail --- very special in fact! I'm hoping my busy days slow down so that I have more time to visit all my blogging friends.. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. what a wonderful gift from a great gal..I would love to be entered in your giveaway..Love the sign..:) I would have to say my Friend Cindy that I met through blogging..our love of machine embroidery and she is one I hope to meet someday.;)..although I think if we go shopping together..we would do some serious damage.;)

  8. So sweet to get such a heartfelt gift. I try to explain to my friends and family about blogging friendship. It truly is special. I love your sign and the meaning behind it. ((((HUGS))))

  9. Love your blog and always look forward to your latest posts because it reaffirms family, strong values and morals. I love the ideas, decor and sentiments you so beautifully illustrate with word and photo. I don't blog but am blessed to have come your blog as one of the first I discovered and am blessed to "know" you and a couple of other special blog lady friends. Thank for continuing to post for all of us to enjoy. Your a talented lady and the new red sign is so rich and meaningful. Thank you for sharing your talents and time,Emelia.

  10. Found your blog on the perfect day!

    Most of the people in my life are people I know. But, there is someone I admire and has had an impact on my own little farm - Susan at Chickens in the Road. Her life with goats inspired me to adopt a family of five abused/neglect goats. Now, I can't imagine my life without them. I think that makes Susuan very worthy of the mention.

    Farmer @

  11. Dee I would have to say that I feel as though Sue from Country Pleasures is my kindred spirit. Even though we have never met in person, I feel as though if we lived close we could be great friends. She always comments on my blog. Course I also do get a few others but Sue is faithful. As is my fabulous sister.
    Love ya to stitches....

  12. Such a precious blog entry today, love it, I have met some really dear friends in the blogging world, this one you met is very special I say she is a keeper, hugs my friend, and enter me in your give away too, Barbara from

  13. Oh Dee such a touching story!
    Here's mine...Three years ago, my husband lost his job and so did I. Financially we were busted. My blogging and forum friends were always so supportive with their love and prayers, and for that I was blessed. However, one lady, named Gloria, sent me a check for $100 to help us out. I have never met her, but have continued a friendship through email, snail mail and the telephone. I had planned on visiting her in Florida this past Spring, but my husband fell and fractured his hip. So now, I am setting a goal to see her in person next Spring. This was a blessing two ways, finaancial, and spiritual as I have found a kindred spirit with my friend, Gloria.
    Please enter me in your giveaway!

  14. Dee,
    What a sweet and endearing story on your post today! How sweet of Donna to send you such wonderful, meaningful gifts unexpectedly!! A surprise gift is always so much fun!
    I have 'met' some wonderful people through my blog, but a couple of gals are my 'kindred spirits' ~ Shazy(from Ireland) and Sheila(from Idaho) are two that really keep in touch through email on a regular basis and I would love to meet them in person one day!
    I am a customer and have posted about your give~away on my blog, plus grabbed your button.
    Please enter me w/the extra entries.

    Thanks so much!

  15. Dee what a great post and such a generous gift from Donna! I so love the extra personal touch of adding the notes to the cookbooks she sent you. Really a personal keepsake!! I don't have any specific stories but just to say that I've met so many nice, kindhearted people through the internet whether it be from blogs or forums. People you never meet but seem to talk to everyday and know there's always an ear within typing distance that will calm your fears, make you laugh through the tears or talk you off a ledge. There are definitely many hidden angels out there in internet land!!
    Aunt DeeDee/Dawn

  16. Blogging has opened up a world of beautiful friendships for me. I'm always amazed at the blogging community's caring and concern for each other. They have the biggest hearts. I feel so blessed to be apart of it.:)

  17. I have met a some very precious kindred spirits through blogs and forums. It is just so amazing how we find things that tie us to one another. Awesome that these are women I never would have met had it not been for this type of technology.
    Right now I have someone who I started out on a forum with and we send emails and packages to one another. I also have a friend online whom through her blog and a forum we are doing weight watchers together. We have found we have other interests in common and it is just so special when I check my email and she is there.
    We can encourage one another through these mediums and share so much of our lives and yet I don't even know what some of these frineds look like.
    It seems blogging really draws us together as we share our lives. I don't comment often sometimes but I do read the blogs and the things, even the little things in someone's day seem to connect us.

  18. How touching and sweet! I can't believe how much thought she put into it. A true friend you have there!

  19. What a wonderful gift. I too am inspired by friendships blossoming due to the blogging community. It really seems to bring out the positivity in people, and these days it can be difficult find. Blogs are my "happy place".

    Last week, I went through the drive through to pick up breakfast for my kids on their way to day care. When I pulled up to the window to pay, the cashier told me that the man in front of me had paid our bill. She told me that he did it every morning when he picked up his coffee. I was so moved by his generosity and wanted to pay it forward but there were no cars behind us. Later in the day, I was able to give someone coins for the parking meter, and pay it forward. It felt great!

  20. First let me say - I LOVE ANNE OF GREEN GABLES TOO! I have all the books, and the 3 movies made. Just adore Ms. Anne!

    The person I have never met that has effected my life the most has got to be my maternal grandmother. She died when I was a baby, but the wisdom & recipes that she passed on to my mother has forever lived on in her, and now in me.

  21. What a wonderful giveaway. Friendship is something so priceless to me. I still have a friend that I made in 2nd grade. She is my closest confidon. But I would have to say that blogging has been a blessing too. I have met some of the sweetest and uplifting women out there. I have never met any but feel very close to a few.

    Have a great day! I am having a giveaway over at my blog too if you are interested come on by...

  22. Dee,
    Isn't blogging an amazing thing! I believe that all of us have been touched by friends that we have actually never met...and these friends are such a wonderful blessing! I saw that my dear friend Gina has posted above...we live clear across this great country from each other and have never met in person...but are kindred spirits, having a lot in common and share a passion for machine embroidery. She brightens my days with emails and I never know when there might be a surprise in my mailbox. I would love to meet her one day too.

  23. Greetings Dee,
    How sweet. Blogging is great! And you never know whos life you are blessing. Your blog is pure love and inspiration. I look forward to your new posts. You have a special gift....Blessings,Nicole

  24. Hello Sweet Dee,
    I just found you, and what a blessing that is! You have a beautiful blogspot...I loved your story about the books and your Anne of Green Gables sign ....Kindred Spirits! You are too fun! I love all those movies and daughter also...she even bought me an Ann doll one year! You have a great blog and I can't wait to read more when I get home from work! Thanks for sharing your passion for life!
    From one Kindred Spirit to another!

  25. I just found your blog and love it! I've just joined as a follower too and will be posting about this on my blog.
    I found a kindred spirit through blogging and we have emailed each other every day for three years! Though we have never met in person, we have so much in common and feel as if we were twins separated at birth. LOL There are many bad things on the internet, but OH SO MUCH GOOD too! I am looking forward to reading each of your posts and going to look at your shop next!

  26. Okay, I just posted about your giveaway and also added your button in my left sidebar! :)

  27. I have a small group of ladies who cheer me on and pray for me as I am on my weight loss journey. I have actually got to meet a couple of them in real person when they came to visit me.

    Hearts can unite in friendship without meeting in real life.

    I also have a real life friend that I have not seen since September , 1976. She is coming to see me this year too!!

  28. What a wonderful gift you received! Even though I haven't met in person a single blog friend, it's absolutely amazing the wonderful emails I get from kindred spirits. And your blog is also one that enjoy reading for encouragement, decorating ideas, and recipes. Keep up the good work!

  29. Dee I failed to mention that I will mention about your giveaway on my blog. I just love all the kindred friendships we form from our blogs.
    Sandy from Love ya to stitches

  30. What a wonderful story and how nice that she thought so highly of you to share such gifts. The wrapping was just beautiful and for just a moment I thought perhpas it had come from Cherry Hill Cottage as it seems like a wrapping she'd adore. I love the sign btw! I don't believe I've ever commented on your blog, however I visit often and have gone back and started from the beginning. I love the look, the content and your down to earth way of life..a great big thank you for creating it as it's been a wonderful inspiration and I've even found other wonderful blogs I wouldn't have had it not been for yours--Sugar Pie comes immediately to mind. A devoted follower--

  31. I will sooo comment! A friend who has touched me is my friend Lynn from queen of the castle recipes. She wrote me the most encouraging note at my blog and really made my day. I too am amazed at how many friends I've made through my blog without ever sharing my table - though I sooo wish many of my blogging buddies were closer so that I could share a hot cup of java! Keep up the great blogging!

  32. I rarely comment (mostly because of dial up internet issues) but I just have to tell of my 'kindred spirit' Sharon of a Merry Heart Journal. She is the dearest friend (that I have never met!) ~ never too busy (and she is very busy) to comment on my humble little blog, email me notes of encouragement, sends me gifts just because, is a pastor's wife, and does so many things besides just being a beautiful person! I do hope to meet her one day even though we are states apart.
    I would love to be entered in your sweet giveaway and if I were to win, guess who I am giving the prize to? ;~P

  33. When I had my first son I was really struggling. My marriage was struggling. I was in a new place with no friends or family. I went on a mom blog for companionship. I found a lady with three sons. One had passed away and she found out the other two were sick. Her husband lost his job and they had just about lost everything. She and I developed a friendship and she gave me a big, fat dose of perspective that I really needed.

    I love your style. It's so pretty. I often steal your ideas :).


  34. I am here from a friend's blog...this friend has blessed me with a beautiful crocheted white and pink rose doilie..amongst OTHER you know I have been blesse by so so many bloggers, too many to even mention...I have been in AWE of how God has used these women in my life...I too like you, treasure them.'
    I will become a follower and also post this on my blog....
    As a fan of Anner of Green Gables I so get the KINDRED SPIRIT thing...I recently downloaded the Soundtrack....

  35. While on an online community recently, I stumbled upon this wonderful mother of 2 homeschooled kids. I was just about to have my first baby, and was frightened, anxious and feeling very alone, even though my husband was very supportive. You see, we live over 10 hours away from all our family, and although my husband is wonderful, we would be raising this baby, completely alone, and he had to return to work immediately after the baby was born, so ultimately I was doing this alone. My new-found friend was there for me online daily, with support, years of advice and experience and constant reassurance that my screaming newborn was doing well, and that I wasn't failing at being a new mother. I still don't know much about her real life, only our online community, but she's been a rock in my life, during a very tumultuous journey. Kindred Spirit isn't even close to the kinship I feel with this lady.

    jiannyia at gmail dot com

  36. This is what it used to be like back in the day , were people would reach out to one another. I am so glad there still are some wonderful souls out there , bless every one of them .

  37. Hi there

    It's ironic because you and I have never met,and yet I chose you as a Sunshine Award recipient on my blog today,and part of the rules are to tell your recipients so I came over here to tell you, and was just so uplifted by your post! I believe you just gave me the award :)

  38. I received a package of fall-themed stationery items from Julie D. who writes a monthly E-newsletter to which I subscribe. I had said in a reply to one of her newsletters that I missed the beauty of the fall season (I live in HI), so I was very touched when I received her little package.
    I found your blog tonight and look forward to reading more--this post really blessed my heart and encouraged me to bless someone unexpectedly on a regular basis!

  39. What a sweet gesture from your blogging friend. I am new into the blogging world and love love love when I make a new virtual friend! ;)

  40. I am now following your blog! I just found your blog today and I'm so glad I did. I know I am going to enjoy reading through your posts. There are several blogs that I love to read, they inspire me, motivate me, help me to stop and enjoy my children. I love to get great craft and recipe ideas from my favorite blogs!

  41. Hello ,
    My is Michel
    I invite you to see the most beautiful decorative animal mailboxes !!
    You love the animal !!!
    Models : dogs, cats, horses, farm animals,
    wild animals, birds, airplanes, snoopy.
    You can personalize your mailbox by adding a name or
    a civil number. Allowing to return your house more visible and attractive.


    Decorative mailboxes

  42. how wonderful! i am continually amazed by my blogging friends!! have a beautiful day! susan

  43. I am a follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway. I truly know about Kindred Spirits. I have been blogging about 3 years. Started because my daughter moved 2000 miles from home and we wanted to share everyday life. After all, she has 3 of my grandchildren and she herself has always been the light of my life. Soon after, I noticed other blogs-adoption oriented because my daughter was in the process of adopting from China-had this followers option on their sidebars. I ventured forward and signed on to follow some non-adoption blogs that sounded interesting. One was Paula from Fraker's Farm. We hit it off right away. We chatted through our comment sections and forwarded jokes through emails. I sent her a surprise in the mail one day, hoping to make her smile. One evening, while eating dinner, the phone rang. I answered to this sweet voice and I knew in an instant that it was Paula! We talked for about 30 minutes and it was as if we had known each other forever. I mentioned in a post once about prairie bonnets being something sweet to decorate with. Several weeks later, I received a package and it was a handmade prairie bonnet from Paula. We have become great friends and have yet to meet. I so look forward to meeting Paula, whether it be in this life or the next. I know we will just start chatting right where we left off. It is really great to find the people in this world that are truly Kindred Spirits!

  44. This is my first time visiting your blog and wow, I have been missing out. I love painted signs and the kindred spirit sign is so pretty! Would love to be in your giveaway! Thanks

  45. Newbie here to your blog and I love it! What fun I'm going to have going back through your older posts!

    Here's my story... :)

    Pregnant with my first daughter, I stumbled across the Parents Place website (precursor to iVillage). I joined a group of moms who's babies were due the same month as mine. I made so many wonderful friends, but one in particular.

    Jessie lived an hour and a half from me, close by internet standards! We emailed back and forth during our pregnancies, then started calling on the phone.

    We got each other through the first few months of motherhood, pulled each other out of the depths of post-partum depression and commiserated with the fact that at 21 and 23, the world deemed us too young to be parents.

    Shortly before our daughters' first birthdays, we met for the first time. It was like coming home. Our husbands hit it off immediately and Jess and I talked and talked as if we'd known each other forever.

    That was 12 years ago. Our friendship has stayed strong through multiple moves across the country (all mine), additional children, family challenges and the intense challenges of raising daughters.

    And to put the cherry on the top... our daughters are as close as Jess and I are. They are so similar in personality, tastes, sensitivities, etc. that it's simply uncanny.

    What a blessing to have found a whole family of kindred spirits through the internet! Lifelong friends are hard to come by, yet our husbands, our older daughters, our younger daughters, Jessie and I will always be like family we got to choose.

    Oh, and thanks for the Anne photo above! I adore both the books and the movies!

    I've already clicked to follow you and I'll put a plug for you on my blog. Come on over and get to know me!

    Kate :)

  46. Oh..
    I'm in love with your blog I've been a follower for awhile now always looking forward to your post I also wanted to inform you I posted about your giveaway on my new post...
    Tootles for now..:)
    Shabby T spot .com

  47. Dee: I have ordered one sign, "In everything, give thanks," and plan to order the beach sign about toes in the sand soon...I have met so many wonderful women on SPFH and have yet to have the pleasure of meeting any of them, but I still pray for them frequently and love to read their comments, listen to their stories and share any insight I can that might help them through a tough situation. I feel totally blessed by all of them. In everything, give thanks, GrandmaSoucie

  48. Hello Dee! I am new to your blog and enjoying going back through your posts to catch up! :o)
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway....

    I was very touched by something that happened 2 Christmas seasons ago. My husband and I had just purchased our new home in Oct. One week later he got laid off from his job. :o( It was coming time to shop for our 2 children for Christmas and funds were tight. I emailed and order for the sweetest sock money for my daughter. She has always loved them! After I sent the order to the woman who makes them, I re-thought our situation and decided this was not something we "needed" to purchase. So I contacted her and explained the situation, praying she would understand and cancel the order. Instead of cancelling it she said she wanted to make my daughter a specialized one and send it to her as a gift from her. I was blown away and touched by this offer. I couldn't believe she wanted to do this, and I was very hesitant until my mother convinced me to let her send it. My daughter was so happy to get this sock monkey Christmas morning and still refers to it as the monkey the angel sent!

  49. Here is someone who has changed my life...
    She is an amazing woman!! She has had three children of her own, then adopted 2 special needs children from China, then adopted two down syndrome children from eastern europe and saved them from the fate of a mental institution. OH, may I be compassionate too, sharing the love of God with others who have no one to love them!

  50. Hello, Dee!!!
    What a wonderful giveaway!! Please enter my name!!
    I have just found your blog, and will definitely be adding it to my favorites!!!
    I also have become friends with several gals by visiting their blogs, one in particular has become a great friend of mine, she is always giving to others and never asking for anything in return!! She is going through a tough time right now, family I think of her everyday and hope her problems end soon!!!
    I am now going to take a good look at your glog!!
    Ellen Sharp

  51. Dear Dee,
    Thank you for giving us an opportunity to win one of your lovely signs-and such a fun way to enter too! I'm a follower, I have a button of yours, and I've posted about this on my blog!

    My life has been touched in so many ways by the encouraging comments of so many blogger ladies that I've never met before, especially after a very hurtful situation that took place in my life. There is one girl in particular whom I met through the Sugar Pie Farmhouse forum. We realized that we had so much in common (like EVERYTHING!) and we communicated for months via email and blog comments. Her mother and aunt began to email too and this post about your dear friend Donna immediately made me think of them! They are always an encouragement! Anyway, perhaps this will disqualify me from the drawing because we actually HAVE met in person now :D Talk about "kindred spirits"... I've never known more kindred spirits than this family! Anyway, before I met them in person, I knew they were praying for me and they were just such an encouragement in my life during a sad time. So many wonderful things have come from me meeting this family. One in particular! But he is another story for another time...<3

    Thank you!
    ~Angela at
    retro farm girl at g mail dot com

  52. Dear Dee,
    What an encouraging post!!! What a dear lady to send that to you and personalize it in the way that she did. I'm happy for you! :-)

    I popped over here from "The Return Home", She has your give away posted on her blog, and boy am I glad I did!! I love your blog!!!
    FUN! FUN! FUN!
    Happy! Happy! Happy!

    I am now one of your followers and can't wait to come back and visit more when I have more time.

    I would have to say hands down that the person I have been touched by is now a DEAR FRIEND (and so much more!) who I discovered through Sugar Pie Farm House. Instant Friendship! My Twin! And someone whom I am truly blessed by!! She is the type of person that you get all giddy about when you see a comment or email from her~PURE SUNSHINE! Now... I know this is supposed to be about someone that I have not met... I have met her at this point, but I must say that before we met we commented and emailed (still do) and I couldn't wait to hear what she had to say!!!
    There is SOOO MUCH MORE that I could say about her... I KNOW that the Lord has brought her into my life, and I'm so thankful!

    I couldn't think of a better sign to sum it up!!

    Take Care!

  53. Hi Dee,
    I love your sign, please count me in for your wonderful giveaway.
    I would like to mention a friend I met through blogging. Camille from Flowers in His Garden has been such an encouragement to me. There have been times I wasn't able to keep up my blog because various reasons, but when I came back and was able to post again, she was right there cheering me on and letting me know she cares and misses me. Her blog has been a blessing to me and to many others I'm sure.
    If you're reading this Camille, thanks for your friendship. You are a kindred spirit indeed!!!


  54. You received a lovely gift from a lovely friend! I am so happy for you! :-) It's very sweet when a blogger friend takes the time to send something special!!!

    I would have to say we are all kindred spirits over at the SugarPieFarmhouse forum. The ladies are so kind and friendly and willing to help and pray for whenever someone is in need. We have so much in common, especially our love of homemaking. They inspire me every day! :-)


  55. Wonderful... It gives a happiness if get some gift from our loved ones.
    Loved it.

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