
Monday, January 3, 2011

Kisses from Heaven

Snowflakes are Kisses dropped straight from HEAVEN...

Wintertime is officially here in my neck of the woods...lots of snow covering the land, washing it over in sparkling beauty.

Someday, when my children are grown and remember their childhood winters...
I want them to remember the picture above in their minds. 
A picture of home, covered in snow and being sheltered safely inside with a fire going, something warm from the kitchen and being together.

The day after Christmas a snow storm started along the east coast and continued for a couple of brought two feet of snow to our area. It was beautiful.

After being inside for a couple days we ventured out for a winter walk. That turned into a snowball fight and the kids sliding down the large mountain of snow that our neighbor plowed in front of our house when he dug us out.  Yes, we were as snowed in!!
Thank god for good neighbors!

Once back home, my middle child immediately claimed her post on top of the mountain from which she could easily toss snowballs down on us. 

But briefly stopped for a sweet picture, secretly hiding the two snowballs under her gloves.

Her little brother wasted no time climbing to the top to join her....

Mhmmm...king of the hill.
I wasn't climbing up there.....but I have pretty good aim.

It's all fun and games.....until someone gets hurt. 
Yep, that's what my parents always said and now I'm their
With three brothers you can just imagine how often that was said in my house.

Once my son fully experienced what a frozen snowball running down the back of your coat feels like he wasn't happy.
(He might even keep his coat buttoned to the top next time instead of thinking it was choking him)

His sister really isn't evil.....she's actually quite sweet, especially to him. 
She just thought it was funny when he exclaimed through his wailing...

"snowball fights are reee-dic-A-lous"!

Then we called it a day. the way, did I mention that my hubs retreated to the porch after the first couple of snowballs....
no fair!  He was exhausted from shoveling a 50' pathway to the driveway...I can't really blame him.

I love that my children can experience the type of winters I did when I was a child.  A good old fashioned snowball fight is something every child should experience.  I hope you are enjoying the beautiful winter weather in your neck of the woods,
if you get such a thing.

I haven't forgotten about the surprise giveaway.

I received some exciting news before the holidays and am waiting for the right moment to share it, I think I'll pick the giveaway winner when I'm in the clear on it.  This way I'll spill the beans on everything all at once.  Thanks for being patient with me.

Take care,


  1. Beautiful snow pictures! Looks like y'all had a lot of fun!

  2. Dee just once I had dreamed my children would see this kind of snow..Now they are all grown..1 occasionally see this in Oklahoma...1 in West Tx..a couple of inches.I agree...evey child should experience it just once!!!

    The snow is so clean looking and white...beautiful...but I bet it is a pain in the ......Ya'll be careful and stay well.

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  3. Looks absolutely beautiful!!! I am married now and in my 20s, and as a child I grew up in Southern California and never knew what it meant to have snow! But, my husband's job moved us to Colorado where I get plenty of it now!

  4. What wonderful memories you will all have. Here in Northern Ontario, we hardly have any snow.

  5. What a wonderful winter post! We are jealous, all our snow melted and the big storm past us by.

    I get all tickley inside as I read about snowball fights, king of the snow hill etc.

    I grew up with 4 brothers, in the winter it was snowballs, in the summer it was crab apples. I've been winged in the eye a time or two... Yes, "all fun and games until someone gets hurt."

    I once bruised my tailbone, when my oldest brother decided to give me and my sled a push, only to dump me out, when my sled ramed into the ditch at the bottom.
    Everything... turned out okay, in the end, my big brother carried me all the way home ;)

    Thanks for bringing back some childhood memories.

    Have a Blessed New Year,

  6. Why do I feel cold all of a sudden ;)
    I hope you and your family have a blessed 2011

  7. Hi Dee, Happy New Year! What a pretty sky blue and white snowy post. We had the same in our neck of South Jersey and maybe more on way Friday...just wanted to say how your blog brightens my morning . Love all your style and effort in sharing old fashioned great family values and inspiration. Just wanted to mention my Father in Law passed onto to a better life Sunday evening after raising a family of 4 boys and being old enough to see grandchildren in all ages. This is our third passing of family in 3 months but we know they are with our Lord and fine. Thanks for brightening my days now and looking forward to all your next adventures of showing us how the everyday is really quite the extra ordinary and so wonderful....Hugs Emelia.

  8. LOVELY, Dee! I get a little excited as well about a huge quantity of snow and it looks like you all got dumped on! Love that feeling, if we are all safe at home and snuggled in! Your pics are gorgeous and will be memory to hold onto for your kids someday!

  9. Dee,you take the best photos!Seeing your post always makes me feel like I am one of your neighbors right next door.Loved getting to experience the snow via your lovely post.Thanks for sharing your winter wonderland with us! Love,Donna

  10. Oh how I laughed at the little brother crying and the evil sister laughing...I understand from personal experience(younger sibling here!) and from my own two kids...I agree, with you. I want my kids to enjoy and savor those memories..Like I do/did and then relive them anytime anyone mentions evil laughing sister!

  11. Hi Dee,

    It's Mel from over at Nickers and Neighs, just popped in to Thank you for poking your head in, and Welcome you as a follower.

    Winter Blessings,

  12. Wonderful, fun post!! It sure brought back memories for me, both of my childhood and as a 'big kid' building snowmen and having snowball fights with our now-grown son. Lovely pictures too. What a good hubs you have for doing all that shoveling! And, Dee... when I want to pick up my spirits, I'm heading back over to your blog to listen to the music. I always love your selections and they put me in my happy place.. thank you :) Happy New Year to you and your family!! -Tammy

  13. Hi, I am one of your newest followers. I am enjoying your blog. So much to look at. Hi and Happy New Year! ~Ames

  14. hi dee, love all of your pics, i felt like i was right there hearing your son's 'icy' screams as the snowball slipped down his back. poor little thing! we had a lot of snow as kids too. so glad your babies are enjoying it all! stay warm!

  15. "until someone gets hurt".... oh yes, how well I remember my parents using that line too, but it was the truth! Someone always ran indoors in tears... LOL

