
Friday, November 12, 2010

Dusting off and Autumn Beauty

I want to thank all of you Sweet Friends. For understanding and being thoughtful, encouraging, and nurturing.  There is something reassuring about going through a tough time and knowing there's friends out there to share in your worry and offer up prayers, even if you haven't met them face to face.  If there's a way to feel a little better you have made me feel that, my family is awfully grateful for your thoughts and prayers more than I can express....Thank you.

 I have decided to dust off for the time hand the whole worry of the situation over and look forward.  I'm focusing only on a recovery for my father...positive thinking.  I will keep you all posted on the situation. 

So I am back to share a few good things that I have experienced this past season.  On a more positive note....

We decorated up the Farmhouse for Autumn in fall's festive colors.

I turned another year wiser and younger.  My sweet SIL made me the prettiest (and tastiest) chocoloate cake evah...
my favorite!

  We enjoyed a tasty fall Pumpkin Pancake Breakfast....

We also attended the annual Pinelands Jamboree that we love.

Local farmers brought their beautiful bounty.

Local BlueGrass bands entertained us with great music.

The sweet local family we purchase our produce from is there each year and we LOVE their truck that they deliver in

Personally I'm a Chevy girl, but this old Dodge was just
too pretty!

Our area has alot of Cranberry Farms.  Here is how we purchase the pound from an old cranberry crate straight from the farmer.  Love that color!

Some of the old timers brought their laundry...hehe.  They had alot of working antique machinery on display.  Thought provoking for us homemakers!

My mother and I are going to try our hand at the craft shows, my father will be helping to make some new things between feeling well (we are hopeful).  We are excited and I think it might be a positive distraction for all of us.  It's something that we've talked about for a while now and it seems like a good time to try, the income will help.
  So we did some research when we headed out to some annual Craft Fairs this year.
We attended another favorite Country Craft Show...our local
Country Living Fair. 

Here's one of the beautiful handmade quilts that was hung on display to be auctioned off.  I wanted so badly to win this one....

I've posted about this location in the past.  It is one of my favorite historical places to visit and serves as a pretty backdrop for the fair with all of the barns and out buildings. 

This beauty was way out of my Budget but if I could have I certainly would have...
I love the colors and the history of this old sign!

There's also an antique car show we love to stroll through.  I loved the color of this one.

This reminds me of an old picture.  It could have fooled me in sepia.

Okay, I seriously want one of these for my front yard....
for decorative purposes! 

Corn shucking demonstrations...looked like fun!

Another Old Timey Entertainer from the front porch of the big house.
I loved this sellers items and their display.

Ahh love at first sight.....I would so drive this truck!  It reminded me of one of my dad's trucks when I was a young girl.

This country band played some great tunes as we were heading walking around.
I'll be posting a few more fall things as soon as I can.  Thanks for stopping by and more importantly for all your support and prayers. 
I am so thankful for all of you.
Take care,


  1. One of my dreams is to own a 65 Ford, of course, that old dodge would be great too! Beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing. You made me feel as if I was there! Blessings to you and your family!

  2. Blessings to your family - Enjoyed the photos - Thank you for sharing them ;)

  3. Dee,

    I was glad to see a post, I'll keep you in my prayers. It seems like we all need more prayers. I loved all your Fall pictures, great fun!

  4. Thank you for your sweet posts about Fall, and I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Hope you have a wonderful day

  5. Continue to pray for you and yours.Thank you for all the local flavor.Hope you have much success at craft fairs. Let me know if any in my neck of Jersey! Hugs, Emelia

  6. Love this post! Everything about it is wonderful:) Keeping your family in our prayers, and if you need a Farmall, I'll give you my dad's address!

  7. Happy Birthday Dee! You and your family are in my prayers. I hope you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving!

  8. Glad to see you post, love the photos!

  9. What a great post ! I have always love the old trucks. Happy Birthday ! not a day over 21 !
    You and your family are in my prayers!

  10. Oh you've had some worries lately and I am so sorry for that.

    You've taken us all on a wonderful armchair journey.

    Thanks so much for sharing and belated happy birthday,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  11. i hope all is well with you! i am so sorry sickness has knocked on your family's door...what a wonderful fair and i love the old barn in the background. glad you had a nice cake for your bday. it looked fab! take care dee! jill

  12. Great pics! Best success on your craft show venture! Mom and I used to do that for a few years and they were some of best times we've ever had. It's so much fun to do it all with family!

    What a fun way to buy cranberries!!


  13. So good to see another beautiful post from you. You always makes things seem so cozy and warm. I hope you get to do the craft fairs. I think it will help all of you to be busy and help keep your mind off of things that would cause worry. If I dont make a comment on here before next week I hope you and your family have a wonderful Blessed Thanksgiving.
    God Bless you.

  14. Hi Dee! You and your family continue to be in my prayers. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  15. Love the pics of the old trucks and cars! I'm a chevy girl too but any old truck would do. I'd like one in red please! We're still raising kids but my hubs and I have decided that in our retirement he'll fix up my dream truck for me! A girls gotta dream! It'll be an old fat fendered something, 1940's vintage. I'm not picky about the year just love those old fat fenders!

  16. What a wonderful and hope-filled post! (You're still in my prayers!) I am a Ford girl -- you see, my daddy is a retired Ford mechanic :) But, I would happily take either one of those two trucks for my "yard truck" ;) Thanks for sharing! Glad you and your family are doing some crafting... creating is so good for the soul and very healing. I believe it! -Tammy

  17. Chevys suck they are terrible! Go Ford and Dodge!
