
Friday, November 5, 2010

And so.....

The past two months have flown by so quickly I have rarely had time to peek on blogs much less make a post on my own.  I have to tell you that I'm sorry I've been gone and want to thank so many of you who have left messages and emails of concern, you all are so sweet.  I have missed blogging and intend to get back to it when possible even if it is not as frequently as I would like. 

A few things have recently affected the personal time I have on the computer, the first being my adjusting to the new job and balancing family life with it and more importantly the second reason is the return of my father's cancer.  And so now I have returned to ask for your prayers....for my father and for our family. 

My father has been in remission for the past three years and recently discovered a lump which has now been confirmed as the same cancer he battled the first time around.  He will be treated even more agressively this time and it will be more taxing on his body requiring hospitalization for periods of time.  During  the holidays this will not be an easy way to celebrate so we've changed our plans and will be spending as much time with my father and family as possible. 

It is so difficult to see him weakened by the treatments, he has always been a pillar of strength for our family.  He has been laid off for sometime due to the economic effects on the mom-and-pop employer he's worked many years for.  Coincidentally, my mother was also laid off from her job of 25 years this winter only to discover the cancer the week following that news.  

Although, I am terribly concerned about their job situation there couldn't be a truer testament to everything happens for a reason.  It will be easier to get him back and forth for his treatments that are a couple hours drive from their home without worrying about her job.  There is obviously a bigger plan in place.  My mother has a very positive attitude about all of it which helps.  I know that this is what life holds when your parents age, but it is not easy none-the-less.  I know must faithfully trust that they are where they are supposed to be right now even if I don't like it at all and so we could certainly use prayers, the strength of prayer in numbers would greatly be appreciated!

The front porch above seems to be a place I sit to reflect the past couple of weeks.  I retreat there in the autumn evenings when my worries overcome me.  I can sit in a rocker in the solice of the early evening after the day is done with a warm sweater and watch the sun go down.  Even if it is only a short time it helps me to clear my mind and keep things in perspective.  Reflecting on positive things.

Something that has certainly become evident to me these past few weeks is that I will focus on gratitude this season like no other.  For through all of this, we can still be grateful.  Especially for the past three years my father was in remission and pray that he will make it through this once again.  Thank you for returning....I wish I had a more upbeat post but unfortunately this is what is on our plate right now.  I'll be back soon to share some Autumnish things that have still occurred amidst the troubles....promise.

Take care,


  1. Dee I am so sorry. I know what that feels like. My Daddy battled cancer also. It is so hard and just overwhelming.If you have a chance from time to time, keep us out here in blogland posted on his progress. I really feel so bad for you all.
    Prayers and blessing to you

  2. Dear Dee,
    I am so sorry to hear about your Dad's cancer...please know that I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. {{{Hugs}}}

  3. I am so sorry you are going through this. Prayers are going up sweetie. I was crying for you reading this. I know this is not easy but you have such a good attitude. Being positive is good for you and your mother. Hang in there. We are praying for you and your family.

  4. Sorry to hear about your father. I will keep you, your father and your family in my prayers!! God Bless!!

  5. I'll be thinking of you all and sending positive thoughts and energy. I agree, there's a reason for everything. May the sun shine warm your face, and may you hold that in your heart. Love to you all, ERin

  6. I am so sorry for all you and your family are going through. We will keep you all in prayer each day for the strength that can only come from our Heavenly Father to cope with the many issues you are facing. Blessings, Loretta

  7. I am so sorry to read about your sad news but know you will be on my prayer intentions and your family. God Bless you and may God give you strength to do all of your responsibilities and caring for all of your family amd wonderful parents. Anything I can do let me know? Your friend and hugs and love Emelia.

  8. Dee, I am so glad that you hsve let your bloggy neighbors know about your dad because that will be a whole army of prayer warriors. My sis starts her trestments for her cancer soon, so I know the heaviness you are feeling. I am going to mention Dee's dad to God every time you come to mind, my friend!

  9. Sorry for the return of your Dad's cancer, we'll certainly add him to our prayer journal.

    Things do happen for a reason, even if we don't always understand them when in the midst of it all.

    Take care and keep your grattitude focus going. I am a glass half full person and see the many, many blessing we are all blessed with on a daily, even moment to moment basis.

  10. Dee, I will be thinking of your family this week. You take care of yourself too.. I understand aging parents too. My mom (81) has been diagnosed with blood clots in both her lungs. Out of the hospital now & She is doing very well resting and now able to get in some walking exercise. I live 12 hours from her and sometimes it is hard to keep myself focused on anything but her. My dad died 8 years ago and she was his care giver after a stroke for 15 years. We too are fortunate and grateful today for the grace of her healing so well.. Take a deep breath and smile. Enjoy every minute you can.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear of your dad's cancer returning. I will keep him in my prayers and your family as well. Yes, the Lord has plans and He will provide.

  12. My thoughts and prayers will be with all of you.


  13. Dee, you and your family are in my prayers!

  14. So sorry to hear the news about your dad. Your family will be in our prayers. So glad you have a wonderful front porch to sit and meditate and find peace. Blessings to you and yours!

  15. I am so sorry to hear about your father's health problem, and of the loss of your parents job. Please know that your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. I am so sorry to hear about this. You, your father and your family will be in my prayers.

  17. My heart goes out to you. Please know I am praying and will continue to pray for you and your family. I am glad you shared the photo of your father. Now I can picture his kind face as I pray for him. I wish I could come sit on your front porch with you. I know we both could use a cup of hot cider or hot chocolate right about now.
    Lots of love,

  18. Prayers are going up for your father! I am praying for strength and hope and determination. I will also be praying for strength and understanding for your entire family. My mother is also fighting cancer and my husband has undergone three major surgeries in the last year and a half. I know that positive thoughts can keep you going! If you need anything, please let me know.


  19. There will be plenty of prayers going your way today and love and blessings always be with your family and you. Enjoy every moment, every second is a treasure.

  20. I am so sorry to hear of your father. I will pray that your father and your family get through this !

  21. I hate to hear the news about your father. I will pray for him, your mother and the rest of your family. Please take care, I'll be thinking of you.

  22. Oh Dee, we're so sorry to hear that your Dad's cancer has returned. We'll keep you and your family in our thoughts and will be eager to hear about his recovery. :)

  23. I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I will pray for all of you and especially your Dad. God bless you. Tammy

  24. Oh Gosh, I think maybe we hurt much more when we loose our dad.

    I’m so sorry.


  25. Oh my gosh dear, this really puts things into perspective. I am so glad that you have such a loving relationship with your parents and that you can retreat to your porch and so some quiet healing.

    I am sending prayers and love across the miles,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  26. I will be praying....

    I am so sorry your Dad has to endure more treatment. I have been there myself and I feel for him.

    Please take care!

  27. aww sweet lady.
    i'm so sorry that your heart is hurting...i hope that all works out.
    big hug!
