
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Over the Rainbow...

The rainbow after the storm.....We had a few days of rain last week and I was just so annoyed the whole time thinking of all of the projects I had started and would have to reschedule finishing.  Things like painting the deck, power washing, and gardening.  Such things that one cannot accomplish in the rain.  

Instead, I spent some much needed down time with my kiddos having some indoor fun.  I am so happy mother nature made me change my plans now.  It was time so well spent.

Well after those rainy days passed it all ended with a rainbow, and what a pleasant surprise it was. 

It is funny how we have so little control over those schedules afterall and sometimes things that we cannot control simply turn out just the way they should.

I have alot to share and should be back later this week with a catch-up post in between class trips, end of the year class parties, school dances, graduations and more.

Busy, busy, busy and looking forward to 
the lazy days of summer!

Thanks for stopping by and take care,


  1. Your blog is wonderful! The rainbow pic is beautiful, makes it worth while to see one after a rain fall, to sit back and think what beauty mother nature really has.

  2. What a gorgeous rainbow! This is such a busy time of year!

  3. Amazing rainbow! Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Lovely rainbow! The sky can be many things : )

    Gemma X

  5. You're right sometime we have no control of our schedules. I feel I'm going through a little bit of that right now. Enjoy your time with your kiddies. The end of the school year is a busy time for sure!

  6. Sometimes slowing down and just being with family is just what we need. It is so great when we recognize those times and take advantage of them. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Dee,Pretty new look to your blog.I can relate son graduates from high school this week, my daughter graduated college in May and our youngest graduates middle school the next week and the finals, projects and life goes on. It sounds like we are all exhausted but in a good way. Looking forward to your new post and beautiful pictures you arrange and let us grab great ideas to use for our homes. Take care ~Emelia~

  8. Gorgeous rainbow!! I am always awestruck by the sight of God's promise in the sky after a storm :)


  9. Thank you for this post. It lifted my spirit today, reminding me that sometimes there is not much we can do when things don't quite quite as we planned. We can change our plans and make the most of it. Thank you

  10. So true...sometimes the best days are those unplanned ones that just happen. Sounds like fun was had by all.

  11. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! I'm so glad you did, because now I can put YOUR wonderful blog on MY blog roll and keep up with you as well! I have to say, I was looking through your pics on the 'album' page, and your sofa is almost identcal to ours! Love it! Blessings, Becky

  12. Dee, thanks so much for dropping by today and leaving a comment. I appreciate your response. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. I know how busy it can be with kids and summertime fun. We've been getting lots of storms here.. scary. Have a great day!

  13. Oh how beautiful your blog is....I love reading all of your post and I surely do miss you over at the sugar pie forum but I can always catch up with you here and read all of the wonderful post. I too know that the summer time can be busy especially when you have children (I just had our new baby girl McKenzie last week she is 5 days old) but I just wanted to check in on you and say hello to a fellow sugar pie sister.

  14. I'm new to blogging and find yours fresh and inviting. And I leave it open while I read others just to listen to the music and sing along in my heart.
