
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Life Played Out....

This play is called LIFE......

It's jam packed, full of fun, a little crazy, hectic, pretty, a little last minute, rewarding,
sometimes exhausting (did I mention fun?) but
the show always goes on!

Scene 1....Prom 101

My oldest was asked to her first prom.  Not her prom but a junior friend, a nice young man.  Boy was I out of the loop on how much work (and $$) a prom requires.....
shopping for the dress, hair, makeup, shoes, jewelry. Oh My! 

 The best part of her first prom experience was that his friends asked her friends and well you get the picture....there was alot of cute teen girlie giddiness.

Scene 2....A Sweet Partay

A few days after prom my daughter celebrated her 16th Birthday and we threw her a surprise Sweet 16.
Most of the decorations were handmade to stick to my budget.  I have a wonderful SIL who helped
me crafting with me till all hours. 
If it could be made, it was.
My mom also did a great deal for this party....
shopping, cooking, clean up.
I could not have done a party like this without their help, that's for sure.
So...lottsa XOXO's to both of them!
We went with a SWEET 16 theme with a "Sweet's Bar" with lots of candy.  We had a really nice turnout,  the DJ was good, the kids all danced....even the boys (if the robot counts) lol!  

Sweet 16 Candle Centerpiece.....
Table Center pieces, dollar store hurricane globes, scrapbooking embelishments, pink sand, a candle and there you have an inexpensive centerpiece. 
They gave the room a nice glow, looked so pretty all lit.

 We cut labels for candy jars and glued to strips of scrapbooking paper to embelish the SWEET BAR jars......  We made taffy kabobs....the guys had to do that for us was tough getting them on the skewers.  If you want to test your man's strength....ask him to skewer's hard....and hysterical, (especially at 1 am and you're all craft batty) lol.
The "Sweets Bar" 

 Family, good friends and fun....

We painted an ornate frame pink for the picture booth....
the kids had alot of fun taking photos here.
My girls...acting goofy as usual when the camera is out.

Scene 3.....The Little Grad 

My son's first graduation.....from preschool.
My sweet baby earned his first diploma, it was so stinkin' cute.
He was not happy to be up in front of an autitorium full of people to receive it,
making the funniest faces the whole time, he did his best though.

Coincidentally he received an award for "Best Facial Expressions" He is so funny!

Scene 4...The Big Grad

My middle daughter's First Graduation.... from elementary school.

She looked so pretty all dressed up in a cute little sundress, it's not too often I get to see that anymore!
A really nice Graduation ceremony, she made it safely off the stage without tripping once (big fear she had) and we celebrated at the icecream parlor afterwards.

Add in the encore of class trips, award ceremonies, sporting tournaments, Field days and class parties....and the month rolled right on by!  The ending to this play was sweet to say the least.  I did enjoy it but please, by all means, let me know your reviews lol.

I have been workin on a few more new posts and was a thinkin that once the old blog here hits 500 followers then I'll be hosting a giveaway in celebration.  I'm on Facebook, so be sure to send a request! 
Just search for Farmhouse Dee...

I'm off now to work on some more signs for my etsy shop....toodles.

Take care,


  1. What fun and exciting things happening at your house!! I would love to have had a sweet sixteen party like that. You did a wonderful job.
    Your children are blessed to have you.

  2. We gave My oldest a surprise party on her 16 th..she has never forgotten it!

    Great job on all the the theme!!

    They were precious in their prom dresses..loveeee the colors!!

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  3. Hi Dee, What beautiful times and lots of work,congratulations to all. We were in a similar time with kids...i college graduation with oldest, high school graduation a week ago, middle school graduation Wednesday, and youngest birthday yesterday and life in between. Your pictures are terrific and I love the sweet sixteen decor and theme ...gorgeous colors and ideas, you are really smart and creative. God Bless all and looking forward to next post,~Take care~ Emelia

  4. Where do I begin. You have been a busy Mama. I love those matching prom dresses. The different colors....they look beautiful.
    The Sweet 16 looks pretty sweet. I bet she felt like a princess.
    Your little boy reminds me of my grandson. He makes funny faces all the time. So cute.
    Your other graduate looks really nice in her sundress.
    500 followers......I am inching.....slowly to 50 and hope to have a give a way then.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. have been busy!!! LOVE all your pictures. YOu are just so creative!! I may have to steal some of those sweet 16 ideas in another 9 years. :)

  6. May you have been busy, but that good! Lots of fun family memories!

  7. Wow she is one lucky girl! cherry

  8. Life's sweet milestone moments! Cherish them, they pass too quickly!

  9. Wow, you were a busy girl! It looks like you all had a lot of fun. Those prom dresses were absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on your daughter's 16th birthday, your daughter's graduation and your son's graduation! Happy, happy days! Treasure these special moments, they go by so fast!

