
Sunday, May 23, 2010


My poor puter'
is sick.....

"she" is getting repaired....
and will hopefully be on the mend over the next week..

I miss everyone and cannot wait to get back to blogland.
I am getting so much done while away and
will share it all when I am able to return. 

I hope you all are well and getting lots of sunshine

Take Care, Dee

PS***If you have ordered signs before this post, those will all be shipped out this coming week.****


  1. Hi there,
    Popped in for another peek at all your fun posts... See that you too are having tech troubles. Seems to be in the air... So sorry! I just added your cute button to my blog roll. I'll be back often!

  2. Hi Dee' I was worried. I hope computer problems remedy fast! They are a constant annoyance!Our oldest daughter graduated college this past Friday. We baked in the sun! Hope to see your great country posts soon! Hope everything else is great and stop by often. Take care ~Emelia~
