
Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Blessings

Eastertime Greetings
to all you

Eastertime at our Farmhouse......
(a long and picture heavy post!)

Is your Easter Bonnet ready?
Did you dress it all up in fresh spring flowers?

Will you be dressed in your best Easter dress, all ready for church?  I love the Easter service at our church, the sermon is so fresh and renewing with all the children dressed up in their pastel bonnets and gloves

 When I was a little girl a pair of white gloves was always a part of the outfit with a frilly pair of socks and a little white patent leather purse to match your shoes.  My first Easter below with my Nannie and above in 76' in a handmade Easter dress my Great Aunt Anna lovingly made for me...
She even made a mathching houndstooth overcoat to go with it.  I loved that dress!

 Have you colored your eggs?


Easter joy...
rejoicing in all that is fresh and new.

A time of birth and renewal.

Birds are nesting, babies are born....
How appropriate for this time of year, considering all that Easter truly means.

The way that the earth resurrects itself
from the death of winter.

The fresh pastel colors harken the begining of this beautiful Season. 

Farmhouse shelves covered in Bunnies....
simply because they are cute!

Vintage easter cards make great decorations....

I cut up reproduction cards and attached them to painted paper mache boxes for display....they are used to store the decorations when the holiday is over too so they serve a double purpose.

I have always loved Beatrix Potter's stories, we pull them out this time of the year and decorate with them, her sweet illustrations of cute little rabbits, fluffy kittens, and ducklings, it seems apropo for the season.

Peter Rabbit
Mrs. Tiggy Winkle.....

I used to put her little books into my children's easter baskets each year, when the girls were little. 
They have grown beyond her books and movies but I still love them.  We still fill their baskets with books, but older versions.  We have also filled their Easter baskets with vintage hankies for our girls, a pretty keepsake mirror and brush set, perfume, books, stationary, pretty pens, jewelry, gardening supplies with vintage seed packets.  My son has received things like little cars and trucks, a new baseball, books, bubbles, crayon and coloring books.  We have a tradition of making cinnamon rolls for breakfast Easter morn after we open baskets, then church, and then we hunt for eggs with cousins before heading off to a wonderful meal at my sister in love and brother's house each year with the extended family. 

As you can see I have a little collection.....

Bunnies all throughout the Farmhouse!

My kitchen bunny...hmmmm, she seems to be missing a few whiskers!

A basketful of sawdust stitched eggs made with some country calico.

My baby's visit with the Easter Bunny at his school Easter party.....
He sure was questioning the size of that bunny!  LOL!

I wish you all a BLESSED EASTER!

May your days be renewed and your spirit resurrected this Easter in all the spring beauty that surrounds us! 

Take Care,


  1. Thank You for sharing your Easter past with us!! Your store must be so wonderful to shop in!! I wished I lived

    Easter Blessings to you and your family!!

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. I always love coming for a visit at your farmhouse..I love your easter decor..I remember too getting a handmade dress to go with my shiny black or white shoes..;) have a wonderful blessed Easter.:)

  3. Happy Easter...Christ Has Risen!!I just returned from church and saw your beautiful post with such care you put into your family. Thank you for sharing Easter with us all!God Bless and Happy Easter! Emelia

  4. I loved seeing all of your wonderful Easter pictures. The photo of you when you were a little girl is precious. I remember the white patent leather shoes and gloves too. Wearing white gloves was probably my favorite part. It made me feel so grown up.
    Have a glorious Easter.

  5. A lovely post! Have a blessed Easter!

  6. A very BUNNY filled post! I loved it.

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  7. happy easter dee! love your post! i used to read thornton burgess book which reminded me when i saw your bunny pics.

  8. Hi Dee and Happy Easter. Love the picture of you as a baby on Easter. That is precious. Love your bunnies and decorations. I love Easter, love the spring, and love how special the holiday is. We are cooking breakfast/brunch for our church tomorrow with lots of yummy casseroles and homemade breads. Can't wait. Hope your day is wonderful...I know it will be.

  9. Happy Easter Dee! I loved seeing what you've done with your decorations. The music is peachy too! Christ is SO good to us!

    ~Miss A

  10. Hi dear Dee,

    Wonderful and colorful and farmsy post. Thank you. I have to ask the question...whatever happened to the little white gloves, the frilly socks, etc. I always felt so special and for a very brief moment-ladylike.

    Joys to you,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  11. Hi Dee!
    Enjoyed your post and all the wonderful pics!
    Hope your week is going well.
    Joy & Blessings,

  12. What fun it was reading your post. LOVE the pictures of you as a child and the one of your boy. Just darlin'!

    Your collections are precious!! Thanks for sharing.


  13. Hi Dee-

    I love your blog and stop by often to visit. I have a little something for you on my blog..

  14. Oh, those vintage Easter pics are just darling...thanks for sharing!
