
Friday, March 19, 2010

It's my Party! A Giveaway and GBP!!

 My one year Bloggin anniversary party that is!

Yes, yes, it is belated, I know. I turned one when my puter' was down and
I not going to let that steal my thunder though, oh no sireee sir.

Being a whole year old, I have gained so many blessings since starting this blog. I love to read blogs, I follow so many of them but it took me a couple of years to finally decide to start one of my own.

When I decided to start my blog, it actually began as something for myself, something I could look back on in time, like a diary. A diary I could be creative with and make it exactly (most of the time) how I wanted it to look. I always enjoyed writing and picture taking so this would be another creative outlet for me.

I must confess that I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing and have learned through trial and error.....many errors! I knew that I wanted to write about life in general.  Holidays, the kids, the house, the garden etc. things that go on each day in our lives.  The funny thing is I wasn't sure that anyone would read what I wrote or why they would want to, but that was alright too and I decided I would not hold back because I wanted to do it, regardless.

I decided that if anyone wanted to come by I would be so happy and welcome them with open arms and if not, it was something I enjoyed showing to friends and family afterall and
we would enjoy it.

But it turned out that you all did come, and that made doing it so much more special. I love reading your comments, I get so excited when I log in and see that someone took the time to do so, really I do! Ask my kids and hubs, I get this excited giggle whenever there are comments on posts! Like a kid who just got a sweet treat.
Now I realize that it is so much more fun to blog when
there are people reading it!

What I have learned in one year's time...

There are some wonderful and encouraging women out there who share supportive, caring and kind words with one another.

That you can share when your washing machine has held your clothing hostage,
complain and they still come back.

You can vent about a magazine and they agree with you and vent too.

You host a party and they'll come with bells on.

You can be sentimental about your children growing up and everyone gets it.

Your online friends also get excited about your fleamarket finds almost as much as you do.

You can take them on field trips with you and they don't get bored.
They aren't sick of looking over picture after picture of your decorations.

They encourage your to do list that is 2 miles long.

You can show them pictures of your breakfast and
they get say it looks yummy.....

They will still read your posts even with the mispelled words and
gramatically incorrect sentences....Oh my!  You can even make words up, lol.
Lets have cupcakes at our party shall we?
In fact.....
This blog of mine is
like a cupcake to me.

It is a little treat that I give myself and
oh so sweet!


You are all the icing on that cupcake!
You make doing this even more fun for me.

So I've decided that I would host an appropriate giveaway for
My One Year Bloggin' Anniversary!

~A Cupcake Sign~

along with a few other surprise goodies of course!


I just ask that you are a follower and leave a comment below. You can have more than one entry by linking to my blog and this giveaway and another entry if you have my button on your sidebar.  Giveaway closes on March 31st.
Winner will be announced on April 1st.
Please check back then to see if you have won,
so you can claim your win!

More exciting news to share....
I got a surprise email earlier this week from one of my


Gooseberry Patch!

Farmhouse Country Style is the Friday Feature Blog this week!
So head on over if you have a spare moment to check out the link...

Thanks for all of your sweet comments and
for coming back again!
I have so enjoyed the past year, I've met some really wonderful people online and even chit chatted with alot of you through email, alot of you have become customers through my sale blog

I have a few more plans for my blog this year, hopefully I will get them up and running'll have to check back to see what transpires though! 

Now go have a cupcake, we're celebratin' here!

Take Care now,


  1. Congratulations on being featured on the "Gooseberry Patch Blog" :)

    Enjoy your weekend, Dee!

  2. Congrats to you!!
    Have a blessed weekend!!

  3. Happy glad we could be part of the celebration!

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary and your being featured blog!

  5. I tell you I can pick them!! I have enjoyed being a follower of yours for a while now. And look at you..published on Gooseberry Patch!!
    Why it was just a short while ago...machines were against you...nothing was in balance..and a one yr Anniversary to boot. I am proud to call you my friend in Blogville!!
    Happy Anniversary!!

    Cindy from Tx

  6. Congrats! Congrats! Thanks for inviting us to your wonderful party.:)

  7. I don't remember where I stumbled upon your blog at ... but I am so glad I did. I so enjoy reading every morning. Congratulations on your anniversary!!

  8. Hi Dee! Great to see you are up and blogging again. Your posts make my day cheerful and I can relate to all the everyday special ups and downs of raising a family in todays demanding and hectic world. Thanks for sharing your lovely family and times with us.You have a gift for putting things in perspective and beautiful "blogging". Happy Anniversary! I am so glad I found your blog first. Only regret I didn't know about blogging sooner.My daughter plays the Irish song you have on your playlist on the violin!Thank you again for sharing your wonderful life to give us inspiration and a smile. Take care Emelia

  9. Congrats on 1 year!!! Blogging is so much fun, isn't it? And you meet the most wonderful people! :)

  10. Hi Dee!.. And congratulations of your 1st Blogiversary!! I love your cupcake sign, so please do enter my name for the giveaway.. I already have it posted on the right side bar of my blog, so I'm just crossing my fingers now! Thanks, and wishing you many more happy years of blogging! ~tina

  11. Congrats. Love the sign. Please enter me.

  12. I enjoy your blog. It has a warm, welcome home feeling to it. Congratulations on your anniversary and on being featured on Gooseberry Patch. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!

  13. Congratulations on your 1 year Blog Anniversary :) I enjoying visiting your blog very much.

    I follow you and display your botton on my blog!


  14. I love your blog and I am so greatful that I can come see you all the time through the blog world. I share your sentiments totally. The excitement to check your blog and find a new comment. It is the perfect ending to the day. Have a great weekend. I love the sign. I have not learned how to put the sign on my side bar yet, so bear with me. Florence

  15. Oh, I'd love a chance to win that adorable sign! Congratulations and Happy Bloggiversary!

  16. Oh I loved what you had to say..I swear you took the words right out of my mouth..I feel the same way when I get a comment left...I need to have a 2 year blog giveaway..(mine was in feb) and haven't gotten around to it yet..isn't blogging so much fun..I am amazed and love all the wonderful folks I have met through this..I love the ideas and recipes shared etc...and I will never tire of seeing all those wonderful homes and photos shared..that is how we get inspiration..better then a magazine as there are no ads..:) I am also putting this up on my side bar..I love that little cupcake would look wonderful in my kitchen..:) have a great weekend.:)

  17. Well Happy Blog Birthday!! What a wonderfully sweet giveaway! Everyone loves cupcakes...Thank you for sharing and those oh so true words.

  18. Congratulations!! I just saw the Gooseberry Patch post on FB and was so excited for you!! Love the sign too. Happy blogoversary! -Tammy

  19. Even tho I only recently found you & became a follower-I love your blog!! I also have just spent a year blogging. (I don't think I'm having as much success as you are with it. I haven't had the time to tend to it like I need to.)Happy bloggiversary & thanks for the having me to your darling party!

  20. I just discovered your blog and I am so glad I did. I love it! I am following you and hope you visit me when you get the chance.

  21. Congratulations on a beautiful year! I hope you have many more years of sharing the beautiful things you make and your day to day life:>) I LOVE the cupcake sign!

  22. Congrats on being featured at Gooseberry Patch! An honor that is soooo well deserved! I enjoy my visits here so much, and I'm always left with such a good feeling inside! Thank you so much for the chance to win that cupcake sign, and of course, I'm a follower!
    Have a great weekend!

  23. I'm a follower who's been published in Gooseberry patch too, and I love your blog, country all the way! Please enter me in your giveaway, I LOVE cuppies! Come by and get entered in my spring blessings giveaway, but hurry, it ends Sunday!

  24. Congratulations! You deserve it! I would love for a chance to win your cupcake sign, the one I purchased from you for Christmas gets sooo many compliments!
    Thank you for the chance!

  25. Congrats to you! I also enjoy reading your posts and have blog 'stalked'(LOL)several blogs for over a yr. until I finally decided to join in a couple of months ago. I wasn't sure what I was doing and still have a lot to learn yet!
    It is fun and exciting and just makes you feel good when people comment and know they actually enjoy reading what you have to say and you feel like they have become your friends.
    Love your cupcake sign and I'm not sure how to link the giveaway yet either. I absolutely loved the sign I ordered from you right before Christmas! Please enter me.

    Tanya ~

  26. Dee, congratulations! I really enjoy following your blog and making a new friend through the web. I love your signs and am looking forward to getting my package from you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend---we have snow coming tomorrow. It is close to 70 degrees today and tomorrow we could have blizzard conditions! I will be so glad when winter is finally over!

  27. I'm new to your blog, BUT so VERY glad i found you, cute, cute, cute and so fun!! Happy birthday! Glad i have alot to read by getting caught up. Keep on making me smile. God bless

  28. Congratulations on your anniversary and on your feature with Gooseberry Patch! I've often thought about starting a fact have a couple 'started', but never really got going. But when I just read your comment about blogging as way to keep a diary, I'm excited to get going again. What a great way to create memories for my girls to read.

    I love the cupcake sign...very cute!

  29. Congrats on one year of blogging! And thanks for the giveaway - love the cupcake sign!

  30. Congratulations on both Dee! I feel like I know a celebrity now!! :)

    Many Blessings,

  31. Simply put: you have a wonderful blog but more than that you are the nicest person...another bloggy neighbor that I just love! I am just so happy for you that you are featured on GBP...what an honor, cupcake!

  32. Congratulations on the anniversary!
    I'm a follower for about 6 months now.
    LOVE your blog ~ keep sharing your wit and wisdom!
    indigo52 at cox dot net

  33. Congrats on your one year blogiversary!! I have my two year coming up in a few weeks. I'm been following your blog for sometime now and I just love it.
    Also congrats on being featured at Gooseberry Patch!! I actually live about an hour away from the Gooseberry Patch gals...they were at the Country Living Fair last year signing their cookbooks and they are such sweet ladies.
    Love your cupcake granddaughter and I make cupcakes together all the time and your sign would look so cute in my kitchen. I'd love to have my name entered into your giveaway.

  34. Congratulations on being the Feature Blog!! I love Gooseberry Patch♥ That is so cool! :)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Happy birthday! What a great blog; I've enjoyed reading you for almost the year. Keep up the good work.

    I'm heading over to Gooseberry Patch now; congratulations!

  37. Happy Birthday! I sure missed you while your computer was misbehaving :(
    Please enter me for a chance to win your give-away...I just love your signs. And your new Spring banner too!
    Smiles, DianeM :)

  38. CONGRATULATIONS on your Anniversary and being featured blog!! I so enjoy your blog, feel like "home"....Your cupcake sign is adorable...a little story...I am always making cupcakes for my family, friends, neighbours. Our little neighbour who is 5 years old is the recipient of many day he was over and we were playing, he said "I am the King of the Castle and you are the Queen of Cupcakes" was the best compliment...~smile~! Have a wonderful weekend.....blessings, Heather

  39. Congratulations! I check out your blog on Saturday mornings. That is when I surf around during the early morning quiet when my house is still asleep. It is so wonderful to see blogs from women how enjoy being homemakers and take the responsibility to heart!

  40. Congratulations!!! I also look forward to all your postings..... Have another great year.
    Yes I am a follower.

  41. love your blog, please enter me in your giveaway

  42. Just found your blog through Gooseberrys.I'm hooked can't wait to see whats to come. Please enter me in your giveaway.I have also became a follower

  43. Happy Blogaversary! I just found your blog from Gooseberry Patch and became a follower. Now I'm off to look around your blog some more!

  44. Happy blogaversary from me as well. I have been a follower for a little while now and have your button posted on my blog. I enjoy reading your posts and looking at you beautiful signs! I look forward to the next year and all it has to bring.

  45. Just found you from Gooseberry. . .congrats on the anniversary and the mention over there! Great job!

  46. Happy anniversary! Love your blog and your signs and I love to visit your blog. I also follow you. Blessings, Linda

  47. Hi Dee :)
    Happy Blogaversary!!!! Your blog is lovely and I so enjoy reading each and every post. I love your little cupcake sign and I would be so happy to be entered in your drawing. I will be keeping my fingers crossed :)
    Looking forward to many more posts!!

  48. Adorable sign. Happy blogiversary!

  49. Happy One Year! I just stumbled across your blog from GPB and am so glad I did. We (I) am going to be painting and redoing up our home this summer and have been wanting to find some inspiration...FOUND IT!! I'm so excited to look back through your posts. Nice to 'meet' you. :)

  50. I love your blog!! Congrats on your anniversary!
    Kelli S.

  51. I love your blog. I have become a follower of your blog, as of today. I look forward to reading your past post & more to come. Love the signs too.
    I have also added your button to my blog. Have a great rest of the weekend. Lauri

  52. I am already a follower of your blog and I have to say everything you said in your post is how I felt about starting my own blog ( I did in January ) It's so good to see how it has worked out for you!! I will add your button as soon as I post this comment! Happy blogiversary (see you're right, we can make up our own words :) )

  53. What a sweet sign and cupcakes are my favorite!Please enter me!

  54. I just stumbled on your blog & I love it! I love your style!

  55. happy anniversary!

    you have a darling

  56. Dee - I love you, I love your blog and I LOVE the cupcake sign! Please include me in your giveaway - and happy blog birthday!

  57. Just found your site. Looks fun to follow.

  58. I just found your blog!! Love it!! Congrats on one-year. I have alot of catching up to do!! Please include me in your giveaway!!

  59. Wow, how exciting to be their featured blogger. That is really exciting! Yes and please add me to the giveaway. I love your signs you have made in the past. Happy blogging!

  60. Congratulations Dee on 1 year!!! I also want to say congratulations for being featured on Gooseberry Patch. What a blessing! Thank you for entering me in your giveaway! What a sweet sign, I love your work :) I am a new follower and also put a link to your giveaway on my blog. Thank you again and have a blessed day!

  61. What a sweet giveaway! Congrats on the Gooseberry Patch blog! I found you through a friend and I am so very glad I did! I am off to look around more! Your blog is lovely!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  62. Dee, It took me sometime to get all the things done, I am a follower, I blogged about you, (come and see), I put you up on my sidebar and now I want to tell you congrat's on your 100 post and on being in Gooseberry Patches Featured Friday. I think everyone is going to have so much fun at your cupcake party. Thank you for making it so fun! I am off to go eat a cupcake.
    Oh, I have tried to email you. I need the picture of the front of your porch. You know? I can't wait to start on that piece! I am working hard! Thank you.

    Blessings, Linda
    Prairie Flower

  63. This would look fantastic in my kitchen!!! :) I am already a blog follower! :)
    Thanks for the chance!

  64. i found your blog around the holidays-and i love cupcakes! i'm with you on the magazine rant too-how i miss my cottage living! :(
    happy blogiversary! :)
    joanna in northern ca.

  65. I would love to be entered into your contest!!
    Congratulations on your blog's anniversary :)

    Thank you!


  66. good morning.i just found you and now im a follower.i luv your signs!and would luv to be entered for a chance to win the cute cupcake one.i will post this on my blog as well.thank you and god bless

  67. Stopping by from Prairie Flower Farm. So glad she told me about you. I'm enjoying taking a visit through your blog. Your adorable sign wants to come live with me! Be blessed today!

  68. Good Morning Dee,
    Me too, I have a giveaway going on too! Maybe we will win each others LOL> Celebrating can be so much fun!
    Please put my name in the hat. I love your cupcake sign and the writing is in red my favorite color.
    I am a follower and will add your button to my sidebar. I have a button now too.
    Hugs, Elizabeth
    Take care and enjoy your day.

  69. Happy Blog Birthday! I am a follower and will add your button to my sidebar. Enjoy all the wonderful comments, I love comments too. Love all the wonderful women I've met through blogs, including you!

  70. Happy Birthday - a beautiful blog. Not sure if the giveaway includes England [the Olde Worlde One, not the New one!!] if so, please count me in

    Lenten blessings xx

  71. Congratulations!!
    I'm a follower and would love to be considered for the drawing!
    indigo52 at cox dot net

  72. Happy Blogiversary!! I just had my 1 year last month and still have not done my anniversary giveaway yet! I love your blog! I am a follower now!

  73. You have such a cute blog. I visited first when Gooseberry Patch selected you and then again when Prairie Flower Farm commented on your anniversary. Love the sign and would like to win it!

  74. Happy Bloggy birthday!

    I love your post and the cute sign!

    Hugz, Dolly

    come visit

  75. Hi! I "think" I've commented before, but I can't find my name. So I'm commenting to make sure I'm counted for your giveaway! I've become a follower as I see my mug there, so I must have left a comment. I don't mean to be duplicating at all! I love your country blog! And I've added it to my Bloglines.

  76. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Your blog is like going home - so warm and welcoming!

    Here's to many more years of happy blogging!

  77. I found a Little Chef oven just like in your photo at the antique mall in Lawrenceburg,TN. I didn't purchase it, but wanted to. Now that I see yours I'm regretting my decision. Might have to make a run to Lawrenceburg this weekend. It's adorable!


  78. Congrats on your 1st year.
    I'm a new follower.
    Please count me in
    for a chance to win.
    Thank you.

  79. Congratulations ! I haven't started my own blog yet but I sure love to read them.

    I'm a follower and would love to be entered.

    Kristen Smith

  80. Congrats on one year! I've only just started with my blog and inspire to be the same as you a year onwards :D Wouldn't that be lovely!!

    If anyone gets a chance come and take a peek at my blog.

    Love Gemma X

  81. Your blog is so cute! congratulations on gooseberry patch and your birthday.

  82. Your blog is always one of the most cheerful ones I visit on a regular basis. I'm a new follower but you have been on my favorites list for a long time. Congrats on your blogaversary! Looking forward to reading great things about you, your family and your farmhouse!

  83. I am so glad I found your blog. I just became a follower and I have enjoyed reading your last few post. I am new to blogging and I have found that it can be great fun. I love the cupcake sign!

  84. I just found your blog thru Prairie Flower Farm and I am so glad I did! Love your blog and Happy One Year Blogging! I am now a follower of yours!

  85. Happy Blogging Birthday! Thank you for keeping your committment to make your blog purposeful for you and your readers....great job! Sheila

  86. Love your blog. Thanks so much for entering me in your generous giveaway! Robbie(:

  87. Dee.....what a fantastic job you have done on your blog and you deserve all the wonderful success! Happy Blogaversary!!

  88. I love your blog, I am a follower now and plan on seeing your next year anniversary, thanks for the invite to your party, hugs Barbara

  89. Hello I love your article is very good ... should put more information on your topic
    It's my Party! A Giveaway and GBP!
