
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Spreadin' the love...a rather loooong Valentine post!

Love is in the air....
all throughout the Farmhouse.

 In celebration of the LOVE we share in our home...
We dress it up in some Valentine's decor....
To My Valentine
a 2' tag that hangs in the entryway of our home...

An ornament, a stamp and some ribbon....
Oh, won't you BE MINE?

What's this?  Cupid forgot his wings?.....

Some more homemade goodies perched on a shelf.

Mixed up with a few store bought goodies.
(Don't forget to Click on the photos to VIEW LARGER)
A BE MINE banner
I made from some scrapbooking paper, glittered letters
and more gingham of course.

A cute lil' couple picked up from the craft store
I made them a home under the cloche. 
More gingham ribbon, a felt heart and a tag...adds charm.

Flowers and Candy say Valentines,
I spread some faux flowers around
until the real (hint, hint, honey) ones arrive.
(Silent reminders, lol).

Hearts & Roses all in one.

I know roses are the signature Valentine flower,
but Daisies are my favorite flower of all time
My hubs knows that I would rather receive daisies instead!

The windows are splattered with paper hearts,

it looks like
the love is just bursting
out the windows!

A girl can never have too many

HEARTS around her!!

And we should always remember how....

FRAGILE those hearts can be!

A stuffed calico heart hangs from a light....
all the year, reminding us of the love of
friendship too.
What would Valentines be without Sweethearts?

Cupid the cook
waiting in the kitchen for inspiration to whip up all those SWEET TREATS!

Old fashioned Wild Cherry Hard Candies
they look Valentimey to me...
Susan Branch is another one of my favorite authors...I love her cookbooks. 
Her SWEETS to the SWEET goes out on display every Valentine's Day.  She has some good recipes and her illustrations make following them all that much more fun!

I love being snowed in and crafting! 
A couple of weeks ago I dragged out all the scrabooking stuff,
the postcards, ribbon, buttons, stamps,
you name it...
it was probably on my craft table.

A few inexpensive frames....

a little glue, a little glitter....and I threw together a few collages.
This one started out looking like this...

and ended up as this.

Well I still have to make alot of Valentines this weekend...
Planning a few treats to make this week,
now that I'm feeling a little bit better after my bout
with the icky stomach flu, ugh!

I will be resting up this evening snugglin on the couch with my hubs
to watch a few "Romantical" movies, lol. 

These are a couple favorite that are in my DVD cabinet....
Cold Mountain,
a beautiful (and a lil' bit sad) love story set amidst the Civil War...
(ummm, Jude Law's in it too, yay! :o) ).

Another one...of my favorites. 
The Notebook..
Just look at the movie poster...need I say more?
Sooo good!

So, what are your Valentine's Day plans? 
I am thinking a nice dinner at home,
still working on menu ideas though.
I have to say that I think there is nothing better than
Italian food for Valentines day, there is just something so romantic about it!
Hmmm...I love me some ITALIAN FOOD, lol, what to cook though?
Any ideas girls? 
I'll have to check back in a few days.

Our porch was featured on
have a look see if you have a minute. 

Well thanks for stoppin by, stay warm snugglin up the ones you love!
Take Care now,


  1. Great post, all of your pictures! I love visiting your blog :)

  2. What a pretty post! I love your framed vintage valentines, so pretty! You're a creative gal...are you selling the "Valentine" sign I spied in one of your photos?
    PS: LOVE the red it new or vintage?

  3. I love love love your blog. I have gotten so many ideas for my home from you. I just got a vintage mineature stove like yours and am looking for little items to use on it. You have inspired me to make my house into a home with little things like candles, flowers, and farmhouse decor. Please keep on blogging and showing us all your wonderful ideas for homemaking. You have truly been a blessing and I love looking at your blog and reading your encouraging words.

    Sharon, in the beautiful North Carolina mountains.

  4. Oh, Dee! Everything is just gorgeous! Makes my heart flutter! (I just love coming to your blog 'cause you almost always make me feel that way! Thanks!)


  5. Dee, I love your all your valentine decorations! I love your scrappy creations too. I can't wait to get my scrapbook room in order. I vote for Italian too.


  6. AWESOME! Love the posting today... Thank you for sharing your work...

  7. Hi Dee, I just found your blog. I had googled Farmhouse Style...we live on a small farm...and I found yours! I've had fun looking through your older posts. What a lovely post on Valentine's and all your goodies. Love the things that you have made! Just adorable. Come by for a visit sometime! I will be back to visit. I just became one of your followers.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  8. You have done it again!!!!! I loved your post. Course both of us kind of like the color RED! Smile! I just love the little figurines under the cloche. They are so cute, cute, cute. I would love to walk through your home and I promise, I would ooh and ahhhhhhh...... sooooo since I can't come to your house, I am ooohing and ahhhhing right now.

    Love and hugs, Linda
    Prairie Flower

  9. Hi, I just found you through Mimi at Dandelion Wishes, and so glad that I did! Your home is lovely, and your Valentine decorations so sweet. There is no denying that it is almost Valentine's Day at your house! I best get busy and put some red, pink and white heart decorations up here, other wise DH won't remember to get me my favorite chocolates. :-) I am a former Jersey gal, so love the fact that you are in the Barrens. I will definitely be back to see more of your posts!! Have a great Sunday, inspite of all the snow that just hit PA and NJ. I will have to call my family and see what is happening with them on this snowy weekend there. warmly, Debby

  10. You have so many cute things for decorations! I hope you have a great Valentine's Day.

  11. I love all your Valentine decor! That is a special day for us too as it's our anniversary.

    I enjoy all your posts so much.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Tanya Grimm ~ new blog

  12. Hi Dee,
    OH I just loved reading this post. Your home and Valentine decorations are filled with so much love. I agree with you---Daisys are my favorite flower too. They have such friendly "faces" I hope you have a special Valentines Day celebrating with your family.

  13. All your valentine decor is so pretty! I love Cold Mountain. The music in the movie is so hauntingly beautiful. The book is even better than the movie, but isn't that usually the case?

  14. Dee, I really love love love your Valentine postings. Well red is my top favorite color, and anything with hearts. The Notebook is one of my favorite movies. You inspire me to do a Valentine post on my blog. Thanks!
    Sandy from

  15. Dee,
    What a sweet post. I sooo enjoyed all of your Valentine crafts. Your home looks so inviting. Love your front porch. Thanks for sharing.

    Love in Christ,

  16. Wow! Look at all those Valentine goodies! My birthday is in this month and I don;t even decorate for it. Shame on me! That will have to change!
    Thanks for all the inspiration!
    Have a great week!

  17. Lots of great ideas! I love Valentine's Day!

  18. Ok Dee, your porch is darling. And what is better than a cozy and inviting front porch??? Oh, maybe a great sit in kitchen, but...

    Love it,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  19. Lovely post! Such a sweet vintage images.... Pics & words are great!!

    Happy Thoughts!

  20. I love all of these things too! You blog is pure eye candy, can't wait to read more. Have a sweet Valentine's!

  21. Did I read you love getting snowed in?! Yay...a kindred spirit! Your collages are beautiful...thanks for sharing your clever ideas. Happy hearts day.

  22. Good Morning Dee,

    Yes, of course I'd love it if you want to do an interview. It would be fun and I KNOW it would be fun because I read all your posts and you've got SPIRIT.

    Just write and let me know when it would work for us. I know that this week I have lots of phone interviews for radio stations and an all day cooking class Friday, PLUS, and this is the big one, my grandson's 3rd birthday celebration all weekend. Lots of family in town.

    Keep up your great work.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island or email me at XX

  23. Hey - I follow Prairie Farm and saw your link. I love the look of your blog.

  24. Just signed up to follow your blog. I love the photos and your easy-going style. I love the sign you are giving away too. Thanks for writing.
