
Monday, January 4, 2010


Winter is....

Freshly Fallen Snow
Rosey Cheeked Children
Ice Skating
Roaring Fires
Comforting Soups
Knitted Mittens
Bundled Up in Snowsuits
Warm Quilts

I am so excited for this NEW YEAR.....for changes and for fresh starts!  I am in the process of putting away Christmas now.  I've made the Winter list above in my lil notebook when I was feeling a little blue about our (extended) holiday ending....For some reason, I always have that let down after Christmastime, I guess it's all the preparation and the excitement, and then it all passes.  I now am looking forward to this winter instead,  I became excited once I thought about all of the wonderful things winter has in store for us!

I have begun to make a list of things I would like to change or do in 2010.  I am not one for keeping resolutions, so I will dare not call it that. 

I have quite a few projects that I procrastinated on last year (hmmm, and the year before that).  Perhaps if I actually put them down here on my blog, I will be reminded of what it is that I have set out to do?  Aside from trying to exercise and eating better I have some changes I would like to make and in some cases need to make to the farmhouse!  I guess I don't know until I try so here goes:

--Paint &  Redecorate Bathrooms
--Paint Kitchen
--Paint sitting room
--Paint family room
--Paint and redecorate middle daughter's room
--Paint entryway and stair well (uhhh, not looking forward to that!)
--Go through M.B. closet, hall closet and linen closet
--CRAFT CLOSET (I hope that I stick to this one...
it's SCARY AND I'm pretty sure I'm a hoarder...)
--Go through corner kitchen cabinet
--Clean and polish handrails on stair case
 --Finish Laundry room, counter and new floor
--Post a little bit more often on blog
--Make a realistic schedule for myself and stick to it!
--Get back on track for cutting coupons and planning meals....yes, back!

Uhhhh....who's idea was that?  I think I may have scared myself into waiting til!

Maybe ya'll can check in on my list every now and then, hound me a know, crack the whip on me?  How about all of you, what's on your list? 

Please be sure to leave a comment below, I do read each and every one of them and appreciate all of you who take the time to do so!  That actually is one of my real resolutions this year, more of your wonderful comments, he,he,he!

Take Care Now, ya hear?


  1. OH my, now that's a list! I'm already pooped reading it. LOL...I can't wait to see all the re-do's. I will be back. : )

  2. I started a list the other day, Dee, and it scared me to death....I think we better start on our lists right away! HA! Yours sounds like fun, the way you like to decorate, I can't wait to see what you do, I'm sure you will show all of us, right?!?!

  3. Dee, OMGosh...all that painting??? That is not my favorite thing to do but it looks so nice when it's done and makes ya feel good! I want to paint an accent wall in my living room but the wall is about 12" high, so I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to go about it! I have a great tip for painting straight lines on my Blog! It works great! You'll have to check it out!

    OK, here goes my list, it's not near as long as yours...#1-lose that nagging 15lbs (it's on my list every year):( #2 get some new patterns listed on my website ASAP! I have many other things that need to be on my list but those two are the most pressing!

    I love your sure to share your painting pics with all of us! You have a beautiful home!

    Kim (Old Road Primitives)

  4. Love your "to do" list for the year-what an inspiration!

  5. I need to make a list of things I want to do this year!

    LOVE your blog did you make it?

  6. Good Morning, what a list! Can't wait to see what you start on first!

  7. Whew girl.. that's quite list. I'm sure you'll get it all checked off. Lists are totally the way to go IMO. Painting.. urrgg... not my favorite at all. I'd love to see some pics showing off your accomplishments. Happy New Year.. no get busy! HA!

  8. I agree the magazine has changed and I will not be renewing my subscription. My girlfriends and I jokingly say that we are going to have to resort to under-ground decoration using sites such as yours for inspiration!!!

  9. Well Dee, I'm a little ahead of you, I got all my painting done in '09, now I'm going after the quilting, yes quilting, don't you think it's about time after say 20+ years, I'm starting the Picket Fence quilt pattern this week, just had my machine serviced and it's ready to roll. So I'll be watching for your painting pic's and I'll let you see my picket fence when it's done. Stay warm, in Houston TX it will be in the 20's the next few days and that's really really cold for us. Happy New Year!!

  10. Like you the first word that keeps coming to mind is PAINT...rooms, furniture, shelves, name's so much easier in the warm summer months, when a quick can of spray paint does the in Wisconsin that is MONTHS off. One year I did some early spring projects on the deck with spray paint...thought, hey the grass won't be stained for weeks, if I spray now over these snowpiles, and it looked neat on the was 50 something that day so I sprayed away on small things that had accumulated over the winter...well the projects got completed, but hubby was not too happy with me when the snow melted and the "cool" shade of red paint I had used weeks earlier "bled" into our wood deck and onto the cement slab in the backyard...who would of least I didn't. But with time (and some sandpaper) no one but me knew what happened. This year I'll stick with the creating end during the Winter months and focus and the producing end in Summer/Fall. More sunlight...and ambition then.
