
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rocking around the Christmas Tree.......

"They're here, momma they're hear", my son is excitedly calling from the front door!

"Oh, Hi gals!"  I see that you have arrived safely at the farmhouse, come one in.  Hubs has lit up the porch so you could find your way! 

Here let me have your coat, you must be freezing I was hoping we would have some snow this evening but no such luck......just brrrr! 

Oh, I love the christmas bulb earings you're wearing, how festiveAnd look she has her bells on!  Well you gals sure do like a party! 

Well head on into the kitchen straight ahead for some warm spiced cider while I get the doorbell....go on, make yourself at home and warm your hands by the fire while we wait for the others! 

I'm so happy you all could make it!  I couldn't think of a better time of the year to get together.  Can you hand me those oven mits on the island there?  Let me get those appys out of the oven, a little someting easy I whipped up to munch on.  There's some veggies and dip for you skinny gals on the table too, he, he!  Nothing against skinny people, you know I love ya'll!  I was one myself not too long ago but temptation has gotten the better of me in the kitchen!

The warm artichoke dip?  I love to serve this at the holidays..... Isn't that good?

here's the recipe...

serve with some crusty bread. 

Yes, that kitchen tree is sitting in an old cracker tin I picked up this past summer.  For many years it sat in an old crock but this is much bigger and keeps it steadied, girls can you belive I picked up those adorable heart ornies at dollar general?  They were the perfect colors for my kitchen tree, and at that price!  Now, I don't know about all of you, but I have 3 kiddos and I prefer not to spend alot on my ornaments or make them myself.  I'll spare you all about the year the tree came down, he, he, we can laugh about it now!

By the way.....Have any of you gals stopped in to see Ms. Joni over at Centenial Farmhouse  Her farmhouse looks like a postcard!   What about Cathy at Cobblestone Farm?  Oh the color that girl uses...amazing!  For some awesome decorating ideas check out my friend Linda's blog and while your there check out her store, she make the most beautiful bags, and there are little kits you can purchase, perfect for a winter's eve project!   Love Cottagey style....go see Cynthias Cottage Design she owns that style!

Just listen to us all carryin' on like a bunch of hens!!!  ((giggle)).  Now ya'll come on into the living room here and make yourself comfy, we're only waiting on 2 more gals.  The fire is roaring in the woodstove to keep the whole farmhouse toasty warm.

Those of you who have read my blog for a while now know that I love my cloche and that I like to change it out for the seasons.  In fact, I love to decorate with miniature vignettes here and there all over my house.  Hmmmm....I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I'm a shorty pants, lol! 

This scene under the cloche reminded me of our farmhouse in the snow with the front porch on it.....

Yes, that is a mason jar, sooo easy.  My little church scene, it looked just like our old fashioned country church so of course I wanted it, I wanted a whole tree's worth but they just didn't have enough! 

This  mason jar was picked up at an antique store about 9 years ago, I loved the rusty bale and chipped glass top, it has held everything, from wild flowers to christmas trees.......soo simple and inexpensive. Scrapbooking supplies are great additions to your displays....not just for scrapbooks!

Short on snow?....use espson salt...very inexpensive and comes in cartons....I think it is much easier to clean up too, since it doesn't fly away!

This front sitting room holds our twiggy tree.  I have alot of homemade ornaments on it.  Frames with quotes and reminders about the purpose of the season, Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!  I made the beeswax flowers about 12 years ago, can you believe they go into a box of decorations each year and are stored in the attic of our storage barn.  Each year they come out perfectly fine!  They won't melt!  When they are next to one of the christmas lights they heat up and give off a faintly sweet smell. 

We used to have a real tree in here and I loved the way it smelled with the pine.  Now we have to just use a yankee candle instead!  How about you all, do you have a real or fake tree?  I will go back to a really real one some day, when my children are older.  The pinecones are from our property I made years ago and dusted in glitter and strung on the tree....simple.  Anyone making or made their own ornies?  Whatcha workin on?

Our mantel in this room is fake greens, snowflakes I painted, distressed and dusted with mica glitter a few years ago.  Small frames holding holiday sayings printed out on the puter' are mixed in amongst the greens. 

My Great, Great, Aunt Ann's nativity set, one of my favorite treasures because she was so dear to me.  I have alot of her vintage ornaments too, like this one on my hutch along with my small

collection of glittered belsnickle Santas.....  Do you have any christmas collections, you add to each year?

Some Dessert?  Oh, come on, it's Christmas, CELEBRATE

Deserts are set out here in my small baking closet.  It was inspired by Aunt Ruthie from Sugarpie Farmhouse, previously known as Warm Pie Happy Home, a sweet woman with the most beautiful farmhouse, I just love her and her style!

  I showed it earlier in the year when I turned it into a pantry closet but it was originally a baking center with matching kitchen cabinets and now I have turned it back!  I have found that keeping my baking stuff all in one place really helps save me time and I can get down to the baking! 

A picture of my girls in front of the tree when they were little.......

I am so pressed for time this holiday season, making signs, christmas shopping, wrapping, parties, three children, you know the deal.  I still wanted to keep with the tradition of baking with my family so I am narrowing down my cookie list to one or two must have family recipes, (homemade sandies are a must).  For the rest I am relying on fast and easy!  We cannot do it all ya know!  When I try  to I burn myself out and the holiday flies by as fast as a feather in the wind!  I have to prioritize what I can get done realistically and stay on track or my mind wanders! 

I found the betty crocker website a wealth of resource for those type of cookie can go to the Betty Crocker website and find the top 20 holiday cookie recipes for delicious and easy recipes.....gotta love Betty, she knows how to help a momma out!  Just look at the virtual cranberry orange cake (from their website) that I made for ya'll!  ((Giggle)) These virtual parties are maybe too easy!

Do you simplify and prioritize your holidays to keep sane during the holidays?  Any changes you made this year from last? 

Gooseberry Patch cookbook and Christmas books also have alot of wonderful fast, easy and creative ideas.  I keep mine handy in this old enamelware pot to peek through while I sip on my morning coffee.  I actually have a recipe (really a simple idea) that I have mentioned before, that was published in one of the Christmas books, let me know if you find it gals!  I'll try to post it up before Christmas....

Have a seat in the dining room with your cake......what's that?  Oh yes, I love the bottle brush trees, you see them everywhere here.  I even popped a few into my tea cups in my china cabinet! 

Here is our Family room, this is where I keep our large tree,and where our family congregates to  watch our Christmas movies by the fire.  It's the unexpected touches that are the always the most fun! 

I have a vintage theme going on this tree, the tinsel reminds me of my childhood Christmas trees, only I use white lights.  What do you girls prefer white or colored lights? 

Another miniature....a village in my hutch.....  I don't go nuts with it but I try to add a small accent piece each year.  I love the old fashioned houses and stick to those mostly.  I'll try not to bring up the houses that were dropped a few years ago.....ugh....a decorating tragedy!

I have these large glass lamps in here that I display things in for the seasons.....vintagey snowmen this year. These can be made from any large jar fitted for a lamp top.


Another mantel decorated with garland lightly dusted with snow and old fashioned candlebulbs.

An old tool chest picked up at another antique show for $5, mmmhmmm thats right $5!  I made it into a holiday arrangement with the addition of green picks a candle lamp and a few accessories.  I made a few of these for gifts one year but I picked up new boxes and painted and distressed them to look old added a few vintage items. 

Anyone else making some handmade gifts this  year?  I am planning on bagging up some of these pails of snowballs I made for a few people among other things! 

I just love handmades, the love and time that goes into them you can enjoy it for years to come.....

Well our little party is almost over, thank you all for stopping by, I sure did enjoy the time with you!  Be sure to stop back into the kitchen and grab a ginerbread man! 

Have a safe trip home and




  1. Ohhhhh my.....I will not get into how blogger wouldn't post my pictures, or deleted half of them or how.....Oh never mind! I hope that ya'll are here! I'm in the Christmas Spirit inspite of everything!

  2. Hello Dee,
    Let me first say how much I love your country farmhouse. It is even more wonderful then I imagined. Your sweet tree in the kitchen set in the cracker tin---what a great find. I love your great Aunt Ann's nativity. I have my Grandmother's. I can still picture it under her tree and then under my parents when I was a little girl. I have taken pictures and plan to do a blog post about it soon. I am going to go back and reread this wonderful post. Just wanted to say HI and let you know I was here :)

  3. Hello Mimi! I am sooo happy you stopped by even though blogger wasn't being cooperative. I think I'm still missing a few photos....I'll have to check! I cannot wait to read your christmas post now!

  4. Beautiful!!! Gorgeous!!!
    Thanks for some really great tips, recipes and beautiful things to look at!
    Merry Christmas, Farmhouse!

  5. Your home is so warm and festive! I haven't been able to post any pictures of my home because of issues with my camera card...hopefully soon though :)

  6. Thank you girls......anyone working on any goodies or decorations themselves?

  7. Hi girls :)
    I have been working on several things. I rent a little space at a local boutique so I have been busy trying to keep it filled and fresh. Right now I am working on soldered charms and some fun vintage inspired notebooks. There are pictures on my blog---I would love for you all to take a look :)

  8. Thank you for inviting us over! I just love your decorations they are so beautiful and festive. :) I really love how you decorated your porch, it just looks so warm and inviting (although I'm sure in reality it's probably pretty cold right now lol). Your Christmas tea set is also ridiculously cute, I just love it!

    -Lizzy from the Farmhouse

  9. Wow, thanks for having such a wonderful party! I had a great time and really enjoyed your decorations. You did a fabulous job!! Merry Christmas

  10. Thank you Lizzy.....It really isn't a set at all, the cups are from Michaels and the teapot from homegoods bought several years ago. The do look similar though!

  11. Gosh, thanks for inviting me into your pretty farmhouse for this party! Everything was the eyes and to the tummy! You truly have a gift for decorating...and it's especially evident at Christmas! I wish you & your family a warm and wonderful CHRISTmas...

  12. rude of me, I forgot to say THANKS for the gingerbread man! LOL! And, you had asked about what we've been up to...well I'm taking a terribly long time to get Christmas decorating done, I don't know WHAT'S wrong with me this year. And....I've made a few gifties, but I can't show them on my blog until Christmas is over or the gift's been given because that person reads my blog! Hehehe! I love giving and getting hand/homemade gifts. Some people will be getting either my home-made caramel corn, or my home canned salsa or the apple pie filling that I made in the fall! With the Apple pie filling they will get the makings (except for the butter)) of the apple crisp topping, and with the salsa they will get some chips!

  13. Joni,
    You're so welcome! I told you these virtual parties are too easy!

    How lucky your recipients are! I've seen those apple pie filling jars on your blog...what a treat! Excellent ideas too. I love doing things like that, getting back to the basics. A simpler christmas, just the way it should be! I appreciate the things that people put their time and hearts into so much more, I think alot of us farmgirls do! Thank you again for stopping by, you have a wonderful evening!
    Hugs, Dee

  14. Dee,Thank you so much for hosting this Christmas get-together. It's the only one of its kind that I've participated in. It is obvious that you've been blessed with the gift of hospitality, and I have truly enjoyed myself. Your arrangement skills and eye for detail bring everything together in a theme of happiness and hominess. I'm sure your family will never forget the Christmases at your home and will want to return there for years to come. Hope we didn't make too much noise or too much mess. Need any help with the dishes?:)

  15. He,he,he....I always need help with the dishes Debbie! I never turn down a dishwasher! Just kidding...Thank you for your sweet comments, I'm soo happy you all could make it, seriously, if we all enjoyed this virtual party I wonder what fun we could all have in real life!

  16. Oh I had so much fun at your virtual party..everything was so pretty and you are a wonderful was all very tasty...:) thanks for having me..:)

  17. I had company last night, so I couldn't be at your party. I'm glad to see you are still at it this morning; what fun! I got so many good ideas from your decorations; I could stay here all day.

    I absolutely love this blog!

  18. What a treat, I so enjoyed it all. I just love those gingerbread men, too cute! Thank you!

  19. HI Dee,

    What a wonderful , beautiful post! I felt like I was right there! Everything was just so pretty and cozy and delicious too! :) You did a fabulous job sweetie! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and very beautiful New Year! Thanks so much for saying such nice things about my Cottage too, you are such a sweetheart!!

    Merry Christmas!! Hugs, Cynthia xox

  20. Oh, my goodness! I am so happy I found your blog! I actually feel like I have just been sitting with you in your beautiful home! It was so fun! Thanks for the great recipe and the suggestion for epsom salt snow! I will be back!

  21. What a charming home you have and lovely decorating. Thank you for sharing. This is my first visit to your blog and I enjoyed every minute.

  22. I love everything! Truly lovely! Your decorating style has me squealing over here...and now I must go and rearrange a few things (where did I put that epsom salt?)!


  23. Your house looks fantastic. I love your kitchen tree -- the colour of the green balls and then the colour of your green pitcher is so wonderful and old timey. Thanks for sharing.

  24. I loved this post but you had several spelling erros! :)

  25. Thank you so much for taking the time to create this post...I truly enjoyed every word & picture. I'm sure I'll be dropping by many more times to slowly enjoy it all again :)
    Happy Holidays!
    Smiles, DianeM

  26. Hi Dee, Hehehe, Anonymous should come to my blog. I am always making mistakes. I don't want to it just happens. Don't feel bad.

    I want to send you the kleenex holders, I just need to know what to do.I tried to reply on SPFH, but I don't know if I did it right. Can you please email me? Go to my blog for my email or get a hold of me on SPFH. Thank you.

  27. Ok, so I am in love with you home! It screams welcome with wide open arms and I so admire you for taking the time to do all of that for your family! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  28. Love this post...thanks so much for including us!

  29. What a fun post! Thank you for having us all at your party. I truly enjoyed my stay. Everything is just perfect!
    Merry Christmas to you,

  30. HI Dee, Love your beautiful Christmas open house such an inspiration to me.I saw your cute recipe in Gooseberry Patch, Merry Christmas cookbook for those gals that want to check it out. - Emelia

  31. Good Afternoon Dee,
    I, also, live in an old farmhouse (circa 1870). So enjoyed seeing how you decorated yours. Absolutely beautiful. I use salt in vintage milk bottles and Chalk Ink Wet Markers on my chalkboards. Plus, lots of candles, candy canes, cinnamon sticks and pinecones.
    ~Hearts Come Home for Christmas~
    Dolores (No URL)

  32. Love the kitchen Christmas tree with its recipe for Gingerbread men at the top. I may have to copy your ideas for my home!

    Peace and Puppies,

    Susan @ Charm of the Carolines

  33. Oh my goodness, your home is precious

  34. Hi Dee, this is my first visit to your blog and I am completely enchanted! Your home is beautiful and I love your Christmas decor. Your post itself was such a fun read! I can see that your talents are many!
    I'm sure I will be back to visit you again soon. Please accept my invitiation to visit me anytime.
    Christmas Blessings to you!

  35. Merry Christmas, Dee!! I haven't been here in a while and OH MY!!! I see you've really gotten the hang of blogging and then some! Lookin' good, girlfriend!! :)
    Did you get yourself a subscription to MJF yet? :) Come on over to visit me on my "new" blog.
    Cathy :)

  36. Well, I was jus' stopping by for a visit and OH MY - what beautiful pictures. I've been so short on time that I haven't been blogging much and I haven't gotten to visit all of my favorite places (which includes your beautiful farmhouse). Everything is absolutely gorgeous and so inviting. And thank you for the nice compliment - how unexpected. Thank you for sharing your talent and delightful home with us. Happy New Year! Cathy "Cobblestone"

  37. You home is absolutely beautiful. I enjoyed the tour.

  38. You got a lovely home here, I like the way how you put it here, the photos are great, definitely like a tour.

  39. This is a pretty good way of decorating for Christmas and spending precious moments with the whole family.
