
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Holiday Sign Giveaway.....

Oh my!  I am only about 6 hours late to the party girls, sorry!  For some reason when ever I set a deadline to have a post up on this here blog of mine I seem to have a technological argument with blogger!  Notice my header picture is slightly askew still, lol...  Once again, better late than never! 

I ended up with 146 entries to this contest once I doubled all of my customers entries.  I used a random number generator which shot out the number 75.....alrighty then, number 75 it is!  Soooo.....

Congratulations to Lara of Country Sweetie!

I had the opportunity to check out her blog and I really enjoyed it.  She's one busy momma....raising her babies and going to school.  Just send me an email Lara with your information and it will be on it's way to it's your home by the weekend!

Thank you to all of you who left such sweet comments regarding my home and my signs, I really do put alot of love into making both!  I sure did love paying some new and old bloggers a visit, there are soo many creative and captivating people out there! 

Also, to those of you who have placed your order with Farmhouse Mercantile...thank you all for blessing me with your business, I truly do appreciate it!

I will be back in a day or so when this stubborn ol' blogger of mine decides it will let me load my photos....I have alot of the farmhouse done up in it's holiday finery, almost ready to share.  Until then, I hope that you are enjoying the holiday season! 

Take Care now!


  1. For your header will need to remove it and then on the header widget check "Shrink to Fit" and then reload the picture. Hope that helps.

    Blogger has been having it's fair share of issues lately!

  2. Hello Dee!

    Or you could change the border line(s) color to "WHITE" and it will blend in so you won't see the lines/dividers! and it gives a cleaner look to your sidebar/blog page, etc.. That's what I did with my header but using pink! heehee! I didn't notice it was off at all.

    Your blog is soooo darling! Congrates to the winners!

    Have a wonderful day!


  3. P.S! I am as blind as a bat! I now see what you mean by it being off and not centered! xox

  4. Congratulations to Lara! I just love that sign!
    I'm no help at all on the header thing. My girls help me make changes on mine. In fact, I didn't notice until you said something.
    Have a great week!

  5. Congratulations, Lara! What fun to win, especially this time of year!!!! I can't wait, Dee, to see your decorations for Christmas!
    PS: Dee, at leat you know how to do your own header! I don't even know how to do that!

  6. Congrats to Lara! Can't help you with your header. That's my daughter's department! It's really nice though!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Dee --

    I am new to the blogging world but was so excited when I stumbled across your blog today. Could it be -- another Jersey Girl in a farm house?! Love your blog and will be returning. Going to check out your shop now.
    Happy Holidays!

  8. This is Lara from Country Sweetie!! I am SO thrilled to win this sign! I am bouncin' with happiness right now and this is the first give-away I've ever won!!
