
Monday, September 14, 2009

My baby's Birthday...

My Baby has turned 3......

I just cannot believe how fast the past three years have flown by for us.
There are times I wish I could just hit rewind!
He was a a sweet blessing to our family 3 years ago, He is a peanut now, but don't let him fool you, he started out life as an almost 10 pounder! We round up a few ounces, since he was so close...
I am so grateful he is healthy and growing into a little boy. This child tells me he loves me 10 times a day, will wrap his arms around me at the drop of a hat and if you ask him, he will tell you he is Momma's baby. I know that will always be true but I also know that his displays of affection will probably not last as long as I hope it will, so I want to remember every bit of him being this way. Because I know someday the urge to rewind will be even stronger....

He asked for a monster truck cake. This was the best I could do on an hours notice! I thought we were going to be putting the little monster trucks ontop of the cake. Nope, he wanted it to BE a monster truck. So, with knife in hand, off I went. Cake a flyin' every which way!
Here is what I came up looks more like an old pickup, but he was pleased as punch and that is all that really matters. He ate one of the tires and upon putting the first bite into his mouth he exclaimed he now had a flat tire! Ha! Pretty good for a 3 year old, his lips were black for hours!

We had a houseful for family birthday night,
he was all cozy in new birthday jammies,
they were covered in cake before the night was over....boys!

Racing his new cars around the kitchen with his daddy and uncles...
they are all like little boys when all together, playin' with all of those toys, lol.

He climbed into my bed for storytime, since his room is undergoing some big boy changes right now. He soon fell asleep with his new truck from his pop-pop and grammie! I had to snap a few pictures to show them!
When I moved him into his own room that baby woke up for a few seconds, grabbed that truck in his clutches and carried it all the way to his bedroom half asleep!

He woke up the next day for his real birthday and a gift from us.....
He has wanted this for sometime and was so excited when he opened it,
he kept saying thank you and how he loves it.
You have got to love Fisher Price.....he still hasn't stopped playing with it.
And here we are hours later still playing.......
anything that can occupy a 3 year old this long is good!

Happy Birthday my sweet boy,
I love you so much!


  1. Happy late Birthday to him!!! My daughter turned 3 in June and I am trying to cherish every moment with her before she hits that "teenage" stage...cause I know it's Your son is adorable :) And the last pic with his truck in the bed is priceless!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little man!! I have three boys and I just adore being a "boy mama!!" My oldest son will be 17 in November. He was 10 lbs. 9 oz. when he was born and is now 6 ft. 2 in. and weighs 245 lbs. Needless to say, he's the starting offensive tackle for his school's varsity football team!! : ) Time passes by so quickly. Savor every moment!!

    I look forward to catching up on old posts. I just found your blog a little while ago. : )
    By the way, you did a wonderful job on the cake!!

    ~ Wendy

  3. He is so cute!!!!!! What a cute cake also. It seems like you are enjoying him so much, that is wonderful. I miss having my son's that age. It was a wonderful time for me!

    Blessings, Linda

  4. He is precious! Looks like you really picked the perfect birthday gift and cake for him. :)
