
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thank you to the Sugar Pie Farmhouse sistas!

I have to say thank you to the Sugar Pie sistas who helped me to customize this blog....and I even logged in for the very first time I tried without a problem!! Whoo hooo! Wow things are really lookin up for this here blog of mine! I am so pleased with the background that I found on the scrappin blogs site....there were soooo many to choose from and the directions on how to use them were so very detailed and easy. So, thanks to all of you who took the time to answer (what I thought was) a silly question on how to customize a blog....I am now over my embarrassment of my computer illiteracy. I am on the path of righteous learning! Let the posting being at Farmhouse Country Style! Let me know what you all think of this new background if you can...